Chapter fourteen | Part One

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"Hana!" Blake yells as she sprints away at the speed of light. Blake is being all grumpy today. Probably from flying back home and having to lug around that big luggage. Blake runs after her leaving all the stuff for me, Finnik and Trenton to bring in.

"I don't like that guy." I look up to Finnik through my eyelashes and place a hand on his shoulder.

"Is it because you are too lazy to bring his things in?" I asked teasingly. He smiled down at me and looks at Trenton and I do the same. Trenton looks between the two of use confused then recovers and raises his hands.

"No way."

"Trenton, dude, just take the stuff!" He rolled his eyes and carried the luggages away. Finnik gripped my arms and pulled me closer. He bent down to my ear and whispered, "I don't like the way he looks at you." My heart stopped for that quick moment. "I love your perfume."

"I'm not wearing any perfume."

"Well then I just love you." He says quietly before pulling away and walks away in another direction leaving me in the hallway by myself. Well then.

How cheesy.

I blinked once then shrugged my shoulders walking to my room to see Mariah. I push open the door and see Mariah sound asleep in my bed, wrapped up in the satin sheets. I smile to myself and walk over to her. I poke her once and she groans shifting the other way.

I poked her again and she swatted my hand away. She completely rolled over now laying on her front. "Mariah.." I said quietly. I poked her a little harder this time.

"Go away mom." I furrow my eyebrows.

"Mariah." I say again, my voice barely audible to others but loud enough for her and I. I knelt beside her and poked her slightly harder this time. She pressed the palm of her hand on my forehead and pushed me away. I fell back on my butt but didn't give up.

"Mariah!" I said a little louder. "Wake up! Jeez, do you normally sleep this much." Slowly, her her fluttered open and she made eye contact with me. Her eyes widened and she shot up in her bed.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She rushed out of the bed and fixed it. I look at her weirdly. Then she messed it up again.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a chuckle. She looked down and fiddled with her thin fingers.

"Blake said to be careful because you have been in a bad mood lately." A sharp pain shot from my chest into my throat, closing it an instant. She still didn't make eye contact.

"Well.." for the first time in a while I felt hurt. "I actually had a fun day planned for you, Hana and I." Her head snapped up and she looked at me with shock evident on her face.

I smiled slightly at her and she returned it. "Cool!" Soon her happy expression disappeared and her lips pressed into a straight line. "I knew I shouldn't have believed Blake. But don't worry he has said good things too." She smiled again and pulled me out of the room.

What had he said?

I texted Hana to bring over the make up and other beauty products she owned for later but told her to meet us in the cafeteria area. Hana wanted to go shopping. The crop sweater I had been wearing rode up my stomach the slightest bit making me shiver instantly. That's one of the bad things about living in a building with barely any insolation besides in the bedrooms and workroom, the hall ways are always freezing.

The sweater was grey and red and said Me Sarcastic? Never. I love it. I was wearing light colored jeans that were ripped at the knee and maroon heel boots that only went up to my ankle.

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