Chapter 1

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."Sasha!!" A young pup's voiced yipped as he bounced around the pack, his silky chocolate brown fur reflected the sunlight." Sasha!!". A white female pup, lay next to a old grey she-wolf." Sasha. Here is Jayden." Sasha lifted her white head up, her teal blue eyes searching for her one and only best friend. Before she could say anything. Jayden leapt onto Sasha pinning her down, he wagged his banner." Ew Jayden your slobbering over me." Sasha said in disgust, pointing to the wet patch on her chest.

"Sorry." Jayden said as he lowered his ears. And he widened his forest green eyes, Sasha giggled at her friend." It's okay Jayden." Jayden perked his ears up and leapt about." Come on let's go and play!" Sasha looked at the she-wolf." Mum can I play with Jayden?" The she-wolf nodded, and rasped her lush pink tongue on Sasha's forehead." Yes my young one." Sasha, nuzzled her mother, and walked along side Jayden.

"Good morning, Lana." The grey she-wolf stood before the alpha." Hello alpha." The dominate, dark coloured male, smiled a warm smile at lana." I see that my son and your daughter, have gone to play again?" Lana nodded." Yes alpha." The alpha chuckled to himself." They never seem to be a part. Anyway, I want you to and hunt with the rest of the pack." Lana nodded." Yes alpha." Lana trotted to a group of wolves. Lana was unaware of the alpha's glare. He nodded to a russet wolf, the russet wolf nodded back at the alpha, then him and the other wolves led lana out. Into the heart of the forest.

"Jayden where we goin?" Jayden sniffed the air." There here." Sasha sighed at the pup and followed."Shh!" Jayden gestured his tail to a herd of elk." There is no way that we can hunt them, we are only 1 month old." "Relax sash, I have alpha blood in me." Sasha rolled her teal eyes." But you are still a pup." But Jayden had already started stalking towards the herd. He had his stomach flat on the ground, and he made sure that his banner was hidden." Jayden." Sasha whispered.

One of the elk, lifted its head up, luckily a breeze blew Jayden's sent in the opposite direction. The elk looked around for a heartbeat longer, then returned to grazing. Sasha watched in worry, she argued with herself wether to go after him or stay in the safe zone. She decided to go after him, she was nearly catching up to him. When the beta of the pack howled. His might howled echoed around the forest.

Jayden sighed and ran back to the pack with Sasha following." Jayden you are a idiot. You could of got yourself hurt or even caused a stampede." Jayden grinned." Sasha you worry to much." The pup's made it back to the pack to see the alpha standing on the rock." All wolves of the pack, I am afraid that I have bad news. One of our beloved wolves Lana, was attacked by a bear, we done everything we could to save her, but I am afraid that, she was just to weak, she will be remembered as a great wolf and mother of Sasha." The wolves howled in honour for labs then they all went away.

Sasha sat in a corner alone, her head was bowed down facing a tree. Jayden was about to go up to her when, the alpha leapt in front if him and growled. Jayden starred at his father and walked away." Hello Sasha." Sasha didn't respond, instead she sniffled." How you feeling?" Sasha sniffled again and faced the alpha. Her eyes were not full of life like they were before instead they were empty." I miss her." The alpha have Sasha a pitiful look then shook his head." I am afraid due to you loosing your mother, you are exiled from this pack, I am sorry but it is pack law. I will get a few wolves to escort you to our borders then you, go on by yourself, you are to leave tomorrow at dawn."

The alpha then walked away from Sasha, grinning to himself." Know my son, will get over that perfect excuse for a wolf."

During the night Sasha cried herself to sleep. She eventually stopped crying and went into a deep sleep.

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