3. Will you be my partner?

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I was sitting on the couch waiting for Luke when my phone rang making me jump in surprise by the sudden sound. Looking at it I let a small breathe seeing it's him and picking up.
"Hey. I'm outside."
"Okay, I'm coming.

I said and hung up.  I took my backpack and went through the door and all the way to his black jeep.  I got in and I saw smiling Luke  watching me.
"Good morning!"
"Good morning!"
"How you doin?"
"I'm good.  Thank you for the ride"

"No problem. Just you told me that you like walking to school and I thought I could drive you today. And what I just said doesn't really makes sense, right?" he started rambling looking nervous.

That makes us two.

"No, not really. Can I turn the radio on?"


I turned it on trying to find something to listen.  I was changing the stations for the fifth time when Luke spoke.

"Can you just stop on something?" he said smiling despite the fact I probably irritated him

"I'm sorry..."

I stopped changing the  stations and relaxed in the seat. I started singing silently along with the song. 

'My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you..."

I noticed Luke was staring at me and I stopped

"Is it that bad?"

"No. It's amazing . Why did you stop?"

"Because... you were looking at me. I don't sing in front of people."

"Why not? Do you have any idea how good you are?"

"Stop complimenting me."
"I'm just stating the obvious.  You can at least say 'Thank you' "

'Thank you."

"You're welcome"

"You're such a dork"

"But you love it"I just laughed

Maybe I do.

"We're here"

We got out of the car and started walking towards the building of the school next to each other. We had music together so we got to our lockers to get what we needed and then walked together to the classroom.  We took our seats and waited for the class to start.  

After 40 minutes of me trying to play the notes I was given on flute and failing big time may i add, Mrs Adams spoke

"So we have only a few months before you graduate and I thought we could do a work with partners.  You'll be singing a cover of a song or you can sing an original song. It doesn't matter.  Find a partner and have fun." The bell rang
"Have a nice day. I'll see you next week ."the teacher said and all of us left the room

I went out the room walking to my locker when someone grabed my hand and made me turn around.  When I did I met a smiling Luke.

How is he always so happy?

"Will you be my partner?"

"What? Why?"

"Cuz you're a great singer."

"Are you serious?"

"Umm yes.  Don't you believe me?"

"I believe you... I guess."


"But how I know I won't be screwed? "

"What do you mean?"

"I've never heard you sing. What if you suck?"

"I told you me and my friends have a band, that's supposed to mean I can sing, right?"

"I can't be sure your whole band doesn't suck"

"Then you should come to mine after school and I'll sing you something "

Smooth motherfucker


"Then wait for me at the parking lot after school."


He passed me and I started to wander around the school looking for Skylar. Finally I found her by her locker with Maddy from my English class. I walked up to her and she smiled.
-I need to talk to you.
- Now?
- Right now.
-Excuse me for a minute.-She said to the blonde girl in front of her

-It's okay. I'll see you later.-ahe  answered with a smile showing her dimples and turned away
When she was few steps from us she turned to me.

"What's up?"

"Well, Luke texted me last night and he offered me a lift to school and I agreed and he came to get me this morning and I sang in the car and he said that he likes my singing and we arrived to school and we went to class together and we had music and the teacher said that we'll sing In duets and to choose a partner and after the class he asked me to be his partner and afrer school we're going to his house so I can hear him sing and I'm kinda nervous cuz I think I like him." I said everything so fast that I'm not sure she understood me.

After a moment of silence she spoke
"What? Are you serious? He asked you"

"Yes he did."

"Oh my God what if he likes you and he asks you out and you get married and you have kids and..."she was speaking fast too and I interrupt her


"Too soon?"

"Way too soon

"Sorry. I'm kinda excited."

"I noticed."

"What are you gonna do? You said you like him."

"I think I like him." I corrected her "I'm not sure. He's just .... Luke Hemmings.

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