Chapter 4

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Not even a solid 24 hours later drama came into my life in the form of a blond hair blue eyed cheerleader and of course it wouldn't be complete without her very own posse cornering me when I was just getting some books from my locker.

"So, someone told me that you were having quite the conversation with MY future boyfriend yesterday. Stay away from him nerd, he's mine." Adeline Burton, the stereotypical queen bee of the school threatened me. Quite an unusual sight for me, cause usually she just sends one of her many goons to bully me/ to insult me. But, not today, today must be a special day.

The two girls behind her- a red head and a caramel haired girl- both agreed in unison nodding their heads.

I rolled my eyes at the cliché situation I got caught in. Queen bee confronting the 'nerd' because she was too close to the queen's future boyfriend/ more like flavor of the month. Typical.

"Don't worry about it, It's not like I will fall for him or anything- he's not even my type." I lied. "And if I -for some weird reason- do, it's not like he would like a girl like me back anyways, he likes girls like you." I assured her.

"True, but you better not fall for him, cause when you do I will make your life a living hell, and trust me, that would be worse than this little bullying you are getting." I mentally rolled my eyes again, it's not like the bullying could get any worse.

"Of course, Your Majesty." I replied to her sarcastically. But it seemed like she didn't quite catch that.

"Good." She sneered, flipped her hair -eager to end the conversation, and walked away with her posse of cheerleaders.

I sighed again for the umpteenth time this day.

What have I just got myself into?


"What are you thinking about?" A voice asked me. I turned to the direction of the voice and found myself staring at my childhood best friend -and my only friend- Jess Russet. We met when we were in kindergarten and have been inseparable ever since, except at school cause we go to different high schools.

"Nothing really, Jess." I replied lying through my teeth.

"I know something is bothering you, so don't you dare lie to me Jensen." She reprimanded me.

"Back to last names basis again aren't we, Russet?" I joked wiggling my eyebrows -not so subtly changing the subject.

But, of course, she being my only friend caught me. "Yes, we are. And don't you dare try to change the matter at hand here. What happened at school today? I know for a fact that something happened or else you wouldn't be this quiet today."

I sighed, "It's just that I think the bullying at school is going to get worse from now on."

"Why would you think so?"

"Well, queen bee cornered me today just because I talked to her supposed boyfriend yesterday -he's a new transfer student. I don't even like him that way, and I couldn't even imagine him ever liking me that way. I was just trying to make a friend and be nice for once, is that so wrong that the universe decided to punish me?"

"You know Lex, if the bullying gets worse you could just tell the teachers or a grown up. And no, it is not wrong for you to try to make a friend. But I couldn't help but feel intrigued, what's he like to make my cold shouldered Lexi warm up to him just by a few encounters."

"I've got one word for you to accurately sum him up Jess and that is, 'annoying'."

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