Chapter 3

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When I got to the school the next day, it felt strange -to say at the least to not have those bullies shoving me to the lockers, laughing at my choice of outfit, gossiping nonesense.

The whole school didn't pay attention to me AT ALL.

And for me, that felt great.

They overly paid attention to the new student that I ran into yesterday, girls fangirling over his looks, flocking -surrounding him everywhere he goes (I'm not even kidding -they followed him to the guy's restroom), guys wanting to be his friend to get some of his popularity, jocks inviting him to be a member of their team, that kind of thing.

I felt relieved, so so relieved that at least for a day the spotlight moved to a different person, and mentally thanked the God above and new student for it. I thought that it would stay that way for at least another day, the bullies ignoring me I mean.

And until lunch they stayed away from me until he -the devil himself- talks to me.

"Hey, you were the girl I bumped into yesterday right?" He asked innocently.

By this time the girls were already glaring at me. I sighed. Goodbye peace, it was nice while it lasted.

"Yep" I replied popping the 'p' trying to make the conversation as short as possible and then continue to draw on my sketchbook. I'm not professional by any means, but drawing is like my escape of some sort from the crappy life I have. Drawing and painting soothes me. It is something about mixing giving colors to the things I draw gives me some sort of satisfaction. After a while I began to look up again only to find the new guy still in the same position, I raised an eyebrow as if asking what is he still doing here.

"Well, uh, I never caught your name." He awkwardly shifted on his feet.

I suddenly felt bad for my harsh attitude to the poor guy when he didn't do anything wrong. Well, none that he was aware of anyway.

"Alexandria Jensen." I told him, this time in a gentler tone.

"Well that is a familiar name, I think I've heard your name before. I'm Trent Jameson, and I'm new here but I think you already know that." He winked jokingly.

"Of course, I've heard of you. I mean how can I not when the whole school is raving about the hot new transfer student." I chose to ignore the part where he said he heard about me, I just know what he heard was all bad things.

"Really? I mean, you think I'm hot?" He asked face lighting up.

"Nah, not really." I humored him. I mean, he of all people should know that everyone is talking about him just like they did to me, but at the same time different to me, they are talking nice things about him like how handsome, smart, great at sports he is and et cetera. And to me: bad things.

He laughs and pointed to my sketchbook, "Love your drawing, by the way."

I look towards my sketchbook only to find it open, I've never liked people looking at my drawing. But for some reason I don't mind when he sees my drawings. "Thanks." I blushed.

The bell rung after we chatted for a bit. And I was surprised that we actually do have a lot in common.

When I bumped into him yesterday I thought that he was just like all of the popular kids, but you know the saying never judge a book by it's cover. He is a beautiful person inside out.

Ring ring ring

"Well, I gotta go." I bid adieu to Trent.

"Sure thing, see you later." He replied.

And the rest of the day went on just like any other.

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