Chapter 2- Potions Class

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It felt so good to be back walking around the halls of Hogwarts. The first class of the day was potions, my favourite class. I walked into the class and sat down beside Luna Lovegood, one of my best friends. Professor Snape (Snape is alive in this fictional world) came in and shouted,

Snape: "Now, I am going to put yours into partners, so when I point to a desk, you and your partner will sit there. O' Neil with Longbottom, Finnigan with Davidson, Weasley with Maguire, Malfoy with S/N, Potter with Andrews, Granger with Radford and finally Lovegood with Thompson. Please go to your assigned places".

I sighed as I walked to my assigned seat next to Draco...

S:"Today class we are going to be learning about Amortenia. A strong love potion that will make you love that particular person, but Amortenia can't develop real love. You'll be making the potion with the person next to you. Page 258 has the recipe in your Advanced Potion Making book and which ever pair makes it perfect will win a small bottle of Amortenia each. You can now begin!". 

 I started crushing the mandrake leaves trying not to talk to Draco because he would make a smart comment about anything I said.

Draco: "That's not how you do it".

I wasn't really paying attention so I had no clue who was talking to me, someone grabbed my hand and started showing me how to crush the leaves. Their skin was cold and soft. I looked to my side to see that Draco was holding my arm, I could feel myself blushing and I don't know why. He let go of my hand and continued doing what he was doing. I thought Draco hated me? I just started mixing the potion together while Draco added the ingredients.

I smelled the Amortenia potion and it smelt of mint tooth paste and colgne, I regconised the smell, but who could it be? Snape interupted my thoughts by shouting

S: "Draco and Y/N have made the best Amortenia".

Everyone came over to our desk as Professor Snape presented me and Draco with a small potion bottle of Amortenia. "Use it wisely". Everyone clapped and I felt really happy, and Draco looked sort of happy for once....

Love Potion (Draco X Reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now