Chapter 9- Messed Up

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I was sitting in Defense against the Dark Arts Class, I was completely zoned out for all of the class.


Someone tapped my shoulder from behind me. I turned around, it was Pansy. Uhhh.


Pansy: "I just wanted to tell you before you got hurt, that Draco brings all of his first dates to that ice rink. Dont fall for his tricks".

"Why should I trust you?".

P: "Trust me, I hear everything he tells Crabbe and Goyle. About how he has a picnic blanket and then eventually at the end of the date he will kiss you and you think your completely in love with him. The whole thing about him not showing up at Hogsmeade? It was all planned. He sent Goyle there to tell you all about how Draco liked you. Ive seen it all before".

I really didnt like what Pansy was saying about Draco.. but what if it was true?

After class I went straight to the common room and I flopped on my bed. I started thinking again and again about what Pansy said. Even about what Harry and Ron were saying about Draco being a bad person too. I was starting to doubt myself. Was all of this a good idea? There are Quidditch try outs later today, I think I might try out, Flying class has always one of my best classes. It might help keep my mind off things.

It was later in the day, I had finished all my classes and managed to avoid Draco. I was meeting up with Harry and Ron to go to Quidditch practice.

"Hey guys, hows it going?".

H: "Good Y/N, you?".

"Hopefully better now were playing Quidditch".

R: "Is.. is it.. girl problems?".

"No Ron".

We arrived at Quidditch practice. Ron and I flew around the arena with the other players while Harry, as team captain decided who would make the team.

"Ok everyone, I have picked the Gryffindor quidditch team. I am the seeker, Ron you are keeper, Fred and George you are Beaters, Y/N, Oliver and Ginny are Chasers. Our first match is in two days, so i will arrange another practice. (I am keeping precious Fred alive :)

Harry gave me a tight and long hug and high-fived Ron. Ginny gave me a death glare.  I smiled at her reaction, I will definetly tense her about that later.

It was starting to get dark so everyone departed from practice.

Harry and Ron stayed at the pitch to practice, so I walked back to the castle my mind deep in thought.

"Hey Y/N!".
I froze, Draco was standing waiting for me.

"Hi Draco".

"I noticed you were avoiding me all day, am I just too handsome to look at?".

Look Draco, I just need sometime to myself, ok?

D: "Whats wrong?".

"Nothing Im fine".

D: "Are you sure? You seem kinda off".

"Just stop please stop. Stop playing your stupid games! You know your hurting me? I even cant think straight just leave me alone!". My eyes started to swell.

D: "Y/N what game?". He place his arm on mine, he could see the tears in my eyes .

"Where you pretend to care about people but it all just for fun. You Draco Malfoy, thats what you do, you hurt people".

D: "Y/N, please just look at me".

I shrugged his arm off me and walked away.

I went to the common room. I immediately regret the hurtful things I said. I needed to find him and apologise. I ran out of the commom room and back outside to where we were talking. I could hear whispers from around the corner, it was Pansy. I peeked around the corner to see who she was talking too, it was Draco. She had her arm around him and she was comforting him. Maybe Pansy was a better match for Draco. I slowly walked away back to the common room, it was empty except for Hermione was sitting at the fire. She stood up as I entered, she saw the tears in my eyes and ran over to me and hugged me.

H: "Oh Y/N, Whats happened?".

"Ive messed everything up..".

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