Chapter 5- Do I Love Him?

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(E/C: Eye Colour)
(H/L: Hair Length)
(H/C: Hair Colour)

Y/N's POV:

I tapped their shoulder lightly, they turned around, it was Ron Weasley.

"Hi...? Why Im I here?"

"I know we don't really talk, but I just wanted to tell you something important" he said seriously.

"Go ahead..." I said.

"I-I-I like you!" He blurted out.

Well thats a suprise.... I stood there in shock, I didn't know what to say.

I was just wondering if you want to be my girlfriend"?.

Wow this esculated quickly.

"Emm well.. Ron your nice and all... but... I think that we maybe should get to know each other before we start dating" I said carefully.

"Yeah, that's a good idea" he smiled.

We walked together back to Hogwarts just talking about each other, we even talked in the Common Room. We went down to the Great Hall for dinner together.


Me and Ron talked for the whole of dinner, Ron stood up and kissed me on the cheek.

"Night Y/N".

"Bye Ron!".

I was looking around for a certain blonde, I spotted Draco, he was glaring straight back at me. I could tell he was jealous of Ron, and I couldn't wait to tease him about it tomorrow.


Draco's POV:

I wish I had the courage to tell how I feel.... Seeing her with Weaselbee makes me feel protective of her... Everything about her is just... her beautiful E/C eyes and her H/L H/C hair.... Why are you doing this to me Y/N.


(Next Morning)

I walked to Transfiguration Class with Hermione, I stared at Draco  for the whole class, luckily I was two rows behind him so he didn't notice. After class I asked Ron to meet me outside the Gryffindor Common Room.

"Hey Y/N!!".

"Hey Ron, I just wanted to say that, I don't feel the same way, as in love.... but I heard that Lavender Brown likes you".

"Thanks for telling me, I think Im gonna ask Lavender Brown out, well bye!!!".


He moves fast on girls.


After I talked with Ron I went up to my Dormitory to find a little box with a note, it read:

Dear Y/N,
I have liked you for some time now, ever since I saw you on the train, I felt... different. Its someone you wouldn't expect.

All these crushes, but who is it from? Theres no name... I opened the box to find some chocolate inside, I put a piece in my mouth. I noticed something, I like Draco.... The person left the box and note beside my little bottle of Amortenia... weird....

(Who do you think it is?! Thanks for reading!!)

AN: Sorry if the story is going sorta all over the place and fast still trying to find my main storyline :)

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