Chapter 8- Library

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Today was Saturday so I was planning to do some school work with Hermione in the Library. I collected my books from my bedside table and brought them down to the common room. The common room was empty apart from Hermione waiting for me by the fire.

Hermione: "Hey Y/N are you ready to go?".

"Yeah, you will never guess what happened yesterday".

Hermione was one of my most trustworthy friends, Harry and Ron still didn't trust Draco but Hermione understood. I felt comfortable telling her about how I feel towards him.

H: "You and Draco, I could see it from the moment you were put together in potions" she had a big smirk on her face.


H: "Of course".

I raised my eyebrow.

"So Hermione, you and Ron...".

She smiled.

H: "What about me and Ron?".

"Oh Hermione you have to give me all the details of your relationship".

H: "Well....". She said with a small smile.

We are going slow, but he is taking me to Hogsmeade tomorrow. I think when he was with Lavender he realised his true feelings".

"Im glad that you and Ron are doing well. Let's hope it's the same for me and Draco".

H: "When are you and Draco going on your date?".

"He told me to meet him in the courtyard at 6:30. He said to dress warm".

H: "I hope you guys have fun but we should really start our homework".

Timeskip to 6:00

Hermione was helping me pick out my outfit. I wanted to look nice but be cozy for whatever it was that Draco was planning.

"This is perfect".

Hermione pulled out my incarnadine red duffle coat that I had forgotten about. I put it on and looked in the mirror.

This is it Im going on a date with Draco.

"Thank you so much Hermione, if you need help with your date i'll be here. Maybe we could have a double date".

We both started laughing. I grabbed my bag and got really to leave.

H: "Have fun!".


I left the common room and walked down to the the courtyard. Draco was already there.


D: "Oh hey are you ready for our date?". He said with a smile.

"Yeah what do you have planned?".

We started walking towards the Forbidden Forest.

"Draco your not planning on murdering me are you?".

He laughed. "No of course not".

We had arrived at the area where we use to have Care of Magical Creatures class with Hagrid.

"Remember when you were jealous of Harry riding Buckbeak, so you decided to be cocky and brake your arm?".

We stopped walking and sat on a small stone wall.

"Yeah, how could I forget. I hated to admit it but i was jealous of Harry. He had true friends, they were his family. There was never any love in family. I was such a bad person, because of my parents . I never really had any real friends. Crabbe and Goyle were scared of me".

I was speechless. I never thought that this was Draco.

"Draco I..".

He turned to look at me with a serious face.

"Y/N I want you to know that I never wanted to be apart of Voldemort. I didn't have a choice. My dad...".

"Draco, it's ok I understand".

We got up and started walking around the wall to a small frozen lake.

There was a picnic blanket and basket beside the lake.

"Oh Draco this is so thoughtful".

"I try" he said with a smirk.

Draco walked over to the basket and opened it to reveal ice skates. He handed me a pair.

"How did you know my shoe size?".

"I asked Hermione".

"I've always wanted to learn how to ice skate".

"I know. Hermione told me it was something you have always wanted to do so thats why Im going to teach you".

"Really?! Draco thank you!". I hugged him and he smiled.

We both stepped onto the ice and i instanly fell down. Draco offered it hand and helped me up. We skated around for what felt like eternity, but I never wanted it to end. Skating around holding hands. Draco was very good at it, but I was improving. After, we both stepped off the rink and sat down on the emerald green blanket. I took off my ice skates and put my shoes back on. My legs were going to be in a lot of pain tomorrow.

"Thank you Draco, really it means a lot".

We then left and walked along back to the castle, light snow falling.

A/N: sorry this is short trying to write more chapters. Do you guys like the chapters having names like 'Silly Love Potion' or just 'Chapter 8'?

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