Chapter 7

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Liam's name flashes up on Zayn's phone while he's out in the park. He's been alternating between reading Iron Man and taking scenic photographs. He'd got an amazing shot of a someone's pet dog racing after whatever he'd scented - midstride and tongue lolling out to the side. It'll probably go in his private collection if he decides to ever try and display some of his work for the general public.

He waits three rings to pick it up. "Hey, Liam. What's up?"

"Hi Zayn!" Liam's cheerful voice comes through loud and clear. "Whatcha up to?"

"Enjoying my little holiday," Zayn says slowly. He settles back against the bench and crosses his legs. "I'm in the park, the one by St Johns?"

"I love that park." Liam sounds a bit wistful. "Lou and I play football there sometimes."

"Yeah?" Zayn's lips curve into a smile. "I've probably walked right past you then."

"Wow, that would be so weird, right? Man, that's crazy," Liam says with a laugh. "So you're having a nice break then?"

"Yeah, I mean we don't get a lot of time off, since we have to take work when we can get it." Zayn watches as a frisbee flies past, followed by a young boy yelling and laughing as he chases it. "It's nice to have some downtime, you know? Just relax and hide away from everything."

"On your own?" Liam asks, sounding a bit confused. It makes Zayn smile as he buries a hand into his own hair.

"Yeah. I guess I'm a bit of a loner, sometimes."

"But don't you feel lonely?" Liam asks.

Yes, Zayn thinks. "There's a difference between being alone and being lonely, I think," Zayn says quietly.

"I'm a bit crap at being alone, mate," Liam admits, his voice dropping to match Zayn's low tones and it feels a bit like they're sharing secrets.

"There's nothing wrong with that," Zayn counters softly. "Harry's the same. He can't go more than an hour without texting me just to make sure I'm still here. He's always off out with mates or seeing his family and stuff. He makes friends pretty easily though so there's always someone new hanging around."

"Niall will be devastated," Liam says conspiratorially. It makes Zayn laugh and he files away that bit of information for later. "Oh! I forgot why I called! Sorry mate, I'm just waffling on, wasting your holiday."

"Course you're not," Zayn tells him. "I like talking to you, Liam. We're like, friends, yeah?"

"Friends," Liam says slowly like it's a foreign concept to him. Except Zayn's certain that Liam must have a million friends, like Harry. People like Liam and Harry and Niall and Louis attract people because they're lit up from inside. "Yeah, of course we're mates."

"So what was it you were ringing me for?" Zayn prompts him gently.

"Oh, about the shoot," Liam says and his voice changes, becoming more brisk and business-like. "We're uh, gonna go shirtless. Not naked though. Trousers will absolutely be worn at all times."

Zayn doesn't bother to hide his grin since Liam can't see him. "That seems like a fair rule."

"And um, with my um, my photo," Liam says before he pauses, clearly searching for the right words.

"You can decide how risqué you want your shot to be, Liam," Zayn says softly. "It'll be totally up to you. Fully clothed, if you like."

"Oh, yeah no I don't need to go fully clothed," Liam says, sounding relieved. "I mean, I go shirtless on the beach, right?"

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