Chapter 16

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Zayn's back at the fire station a few days later, lunch in hand. He pokes his head into reception and he gets ushered back to the kitchen where Liam's standing with Louis, Niall and Bressie. It's amusing to watch Liam's limbs flail for a second when he sees Zayn in the doorway since it's something of a surprise visit.

"Zayn!" Liam finds his feet again, grabbing the counter for balance, and Zayn has to hide his smile. "Did we have a meeting set up? God I'm so sorry I must've completely forgotten-"

"Liam, relax," Zayn says. He waves around the bag he's holding. "We didn't have plans, I just thought I'd pop round and talk about the calendar and since I owe you for the coffees, I brought lunch, if you have time?"

Liam just stares at him and Zayn can feel his own heart beat loudly in his chest because Liam doesn't say anything.

"That's nice of you Zayn, did you bring lunch for everyone?" Louis asks loudly, drawing Zayn's gaze reluctantly from where Liam's still staring at him. "Or is this just a lunch date for two?"

"I guess it could stretch maybe," Zayn says, frowning as he checks the bag he's carrying even though he knows exactly what's inside and it's definitely not enough to share between five.

"Oh for fuck's sake I'm kidding," Louis says, rolling his eyes. Zayn knows he's flushing and Louis grins at him like he can read every inappropriate thought Zayn's ever had about Liam. "Go have your lunch date, lads. I'll come get you if you're needed, Liam, alright?"

It takes a gentle shove from Niall to get Liam moving and Zayn ends up leading the way to Liam's office. Zayn's a bit surprised when Liam shuts the door behind them but Liam just gives him a wry smile. "The entire department will walk past and interrupt if I leave the door open."

Zayn busies himself with emptying his bag. It's two sandwiches, a giant packet of crisps, two bottles of Lucozade and two ready-made fruit salads.

"It's a proper packed lunch," Liam says in wonder, peering over Zayn's shoulder. "My mum used to give us that when we went to school."

"I went to Tesco and panicked," Zayn admits with an embarrassed shrug. He shoves one of the sandwiches at Liam and sits himself down in one of the chairs while Liam takes the other. "Hope you like cheese and tomato."

"Love it," Liam says.

Zayn's pretty sure Liam's answer would be the same no matter what sandwich Zayn picked. "So this is kind of a thank you as well, for doing the charity calendar," Zayn says around a mouthful of his own sandwich.

"Oh, you don't have to thank me," Liam says, pausing with the sandwich halfway to his mouth. His lips curve down and he starts to frown. "I want to do it, honestly. I mean, it's even worth the teasing I get from Niall and Louis."

"They giving you shit?" Zayn murmurs, wiping at his mouth self-consciously when Liam grins at him.

"They keep pinning pictures of me up around the station," Liam says with an exaggerated sigh. Because he's looking carefully, Zayn can see the slight tilt of his lips and the amused glint in Liam's eyes. "And they're calling me, uh, Hottie McPayno. I have no idea why, but it's not like that's ever stopped them before."

Zayn bursts out laughing, shaking his head as Liam pouts at him. "It could be worse, bro."

"How?" Liam moans before he shoves a handful of crisps into his mouth. "It's embarrassing."

"Yeah but you love it." Zayn's onto Liam. He's totally onto the way Liam lights up when he's being teased. "Weird friends you've got, Liam."

"But you like them, right?" Liam asks. He's paused eating again to look at Zayn like the answer is really important to him.

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