Chapter 19

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They order takeout when they finally get up and eat downstairs on the sofa. Zayn changes into clean joggers and lends Liam another pair before he decides that having Liam lounging around in his living room shirtless is either terrible or the best idea he's ever had. Either way, their food is cold by the time they finish eating and Liam's got two angry, beautiful Zayn-shaped lovebites on his neck and Zayn's hair is sticking out in a million different directions.

"I've gotta get going," Liam says. He's dressed in his own clothes again and they're standing by Zayn's front door.

It hasn't been awkward since Zayn dragged Liam into his house about seven hours ago but now Liam's going and Zayn doesn't know what this is. Or was.

"Have a good shift," is what Zayn settles for. "Say hi to Louis and Niall for me."

"They'll spend the entire night teasing me," Liam says, sounding thoroughly pleased about it as he gestures towards his lovebites. Then he leans in and Zayn sighs against Liam's lips when they press against his. He wraps his arms around Liam's neck and holds him close. "You should text me," Liam mumbles against his lips. Zayn doesn't open his eyes but he nods, pleased and goes back to attacking Liam's mouth. He figures if Liam's gonna get teased about his appearance, the least Zayn can do is make sure Liam looks thoroughly debauched. "During my shift, I mean. And after. Tomorrow. You should text me tomorrow."


"And I could come over tomorrow, if you're free. We could have dinner and I could stay over. I'm free the day after if you wanted to do the rest of those pictures."


Liam laughs and Zayn finds himself being manhandled back against the wall. Liam kisses him until they're both breathless and Zayn's achingly hard, trying to find some friction against Liam's thigh, rutting helplessly against him.

Then Liam's pulling back, grinning wickedly and Zayn wants to throw something at him. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Zayn growls even as Liam's reaching for the door handle.

"You should text me," Liam says, glancing down at Zayn's crotch pointedly before he's gone, the door clicking shut behind him and Zayn bangs his head back against the wall.

Zayn sends an obscene number of dick pictures to Liam before he finally sends a selfie of him lying in bed, flushed slightly pink from exertion and much more relaxed. Liam responds with filthy messages that surprise him in both their eloquence and detail.

All in all, it's been a surprising and totally satisfying day.


Zayn cooks. Well, he makes pasta which is the extent of his cooking abilities, and he's added a readymade sauce which he definitely counts as cooking. It might end up a little burnt because Liam arrives while it's on the hob and Zayn might have pressed Liam up against the counter to kiss him senseless, but it's edible. Just about.

Later, after they've had a beer and watched telly and Liam's met Tiger officially, Zayn learns that Liam gives great blowjobs. It turns out that Liam's mouth really is made for dick, and that Liam applies himself to bringing Zayn off as seriously as Zayn's seen him tackle anything else. And afterwards, Zayn lies back and lets Liam come all over his chest and belly even though Liam's a little embarrassed about the whole thing afterwards.

"You must have done it before though," Zayn says as he wipes himself clean in the bathroom.

Liam's behind him so he can see in the mirror when Liam shrugs before he shakes his head. "Never really um, came up?"

Zayn fights a grin. "So why did you want to with me?"

"I dunno." Liam's flushing though and he's avoiding Zayn's gaze so he lets it pass for the moment. But Zayn makes a silent promise to himself to indulge each and every sexual thing Liam wants to try.

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