Chapter 13

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Zayn does a pretty good job of pretending Wednesday's coffee not-date didn't happen. He busies himself by visiting his mum on a whim that has her beaming and clinging to his hand for over an hour before she starts cooking all his favourite foods. Zayn even lets her drag him shopping for half an hour so he can buy Waliyha's present and leave it at his mum's house because he's going to be away on a shoot for her birthday.

On Friday, he wakes up late and potters around the house. He sketches a bit and works on some personal projects and counts down the days until he can start work again. He's got a project up in Scotland doing a series for an online photographic library but he's still got to get through the weekend before he heads up there with Harry. Who is currently calling him.

"Zaaaayn we're all going out tonight, you can come right?" Harry's half-yelling down the phone for some reason.

"I don't think I can," Zayn tries to say but Harry's talking over him.

"Yes you can, Zayn, you haven't been busy on a Friday night since I met you," Harry says quite accurately. "C'mon, you like everyone right?"

"Fine," he says reluctantly. "But you're buying the first round."

"Yes!" Harry cheers happily. "Meet us there around eight."

"That's early," Zayn says in surprise.

"Liam and Louis have an early shift tomorrow," Harry explains. "Just be there, okay? Promise me?"

"I promise," Zayn grumbles.

By eight o'clock, he's convinced himself that this is a good idea. He can go to the bar and talk to Liam normally and he can start to get over this hopeless crush. He's made an effort tonight in a black fitted shirt and jeans and his favourite silver necklace hanging down low. He's twisted his hair just the way he likes it best and he finishes the outfit off with a leather jacket. When he strolls into the bar, he's actually feeling pretty good about everything.

Right up until he sees Liam first, standing at the bar and chatting to a guy next to him. Liam's wearing a dark blue shirt over a white vest with blue jeans that hang dangerously low on his hips. His shirt sleeves are rolled back and Zayn hates himself for feeling that familiar pull low in his belly that Liam seems to be able to generate inside of Zayn without even trying.

Zayn moves towards the rest of the boys, sliding into the empty seat next to Niall.

"Hey, you made it!" Harry says, leaning over Niall to drag Zayn in for a hug.

"And you owe me a drink," Zayn returns with a grin. He's determined to have fun tonight if it kills him.

"Next round," Harry promises. "Liam's at the bar, go let him know you're here!"

Zayn doesn't exactly want to but it's as good a place to start as anywhere. He hasn't heard from Liam since Wednesday but it's not like he's contacted Liam either. So he takes a deep breath and heads over to Liam, tapping him on the shoulder and not feeling guilty at all about interrupting Liam's conversation with the guy he's still talking to.

"Zayn!" Liam's face lights up when he turns to see him. "You came!"

"Why does everyone doubt me?" Zayn grumbles but he's smiling all the same. He watches the guy next to Liam throw him a wry smile before he moves away and Zayn slots into his space. "Beer please, fireman Liam."

Liam's grin widens as he turns to the bartender and adds Zayn's drink to his order. "Hey, so how've you been?"

"Good," Zayn says. This is fine. He can do this. He can have a normal conversation with Liam and it not be weird. So he tells Liam about his visit home and missing his sisters birthday. They make it back to the table with the drinks and Zayn's stopped worrying that this is going to be awkward. It's fine. He can totally do this.

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