Chapter 2: Caught Something Magic

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It's been awhile since I've eaten... Mostly because the animals are getting to be quite hostile towards me due to the war forcing them into my territory only to be used as a food source....

As a result to cold weather and no jacket I have come down with the flu, which has affected my hunting to the point that I now have a wounded leg that's becoming infected and hard to move (due to lack of medical supplies)...

I lay in my recliner, curled up under my old black blanket to stay warm. Occasionally shifting to press my forehead against the cool edges of my ratty pillow to cool my burning forehead. I was trying to think of a plan to venture out for food and a first aid kit, but with sleep trying to take hold of my conscious thoughts it was hard to think clearly. I got up from my spot on the recliner putting all my weight on my left leg and made my way to the door to go outside. Grabbing a couple knives from my wall of weapons, my hand barely grazed the fabric of the quilt that separated me from the outside world, when one of the bells in the hall rang out clearly behind me. I looked at the wall of bells, seeing the one that rang still swinging slightly, I read the label below it. The tattered label reads MAIN ENTRANCE which has a lovely carved stone arch. I grabbed my navy blue and black mask and put it on as I headed out to set free whatever I had just caught.

((Sorry for the super short chapter, hope you enjoyed it though))

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