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"So...LuHan, what's it like in China?" Sehun asks me as I sit down beside him.
"Its different" I say and I feel a pang of idiocy hit me. Be a bit more interesting gosh! Make effort!
"Of course but...what's it like?" He asks me again and I think for a second.

"Well when I was at school we would all wear the same. Guy  would have to wear trousers and girls must wear skirts although there is never many girls." I tell him, "There's not many girls in China where I live anyway. I live in Beijing with my parents, sister and my friend Hani works in a restaurant as she didn't want to go to an academy after school like me."

"So if girls are so rare in Beijing how do you know one?"

"Well it was a little bit of my old friends fault. My friend Kai told Hani that I wanted to ask her to be my Valentine but when she confronted me about it I told her I had never said that but she seemed to find me funny and stuck around." I explain and Sehun chuckles.
"Sounds like you had fun at school" Sehun says and I shrug.
"There were times..." I look to see him peering down at the ground with no expression to tell me how he's feeling. "What about you?" I ask and his head turns to me slightly and his eyes divert to mine.
"I had no friends. My school was private and very strict so I didn't make any." He tells me and I feel a sudden wave of guilt for asking rush over me. "My parents think the Academy is strict too but it really isn't. I think their goal is to punish me in my life, they don't know me well enough."
"How so?" I ask him and he sits up straight and looks directly at me.
"You promise to keep a secret?" He asks me in all seriousness and I nod, "Why do I ask, you look pleasant enough...."

"Sehun?" I mutter, "I can keep a secret."

"I don't know why I trust you so much but it's more than Rose and Xiumin." He says, "Anyway the secret..."

"Go on..."

Sehun sighs slightly and make sure I'm focusing my attention which I am. "I'm gay and my parents do not know. If they did, they would do worse..." Sehun tells me and I nod once. I wouldn't have thought he was...that's...something...
"Can I trust you..to keep that shut?" Sehun asks me pressing a finger to my lips.

"Yes of course" I mutter.

"Good." He lifts his finger and leans back on the sofa. "Do you like pizza?" He asks me completely changing the subject.
"Good." Didn't we just say that? This is weird.
I take off my waistcoat and stuff it into my back pack. How do I change the awkwardness? It's never like this back home! HANI!

Luhan- Hani help me! I need to break awkwardness

Hani- What do you mean Lu?

Luhan- Basically both Sehun and I have repeated the same thing at least twice.

Hani- oh dear erm...talk about lessons? I don't know sorry x

Luhan- I'll try that thanks.

"Sehun what lessons are you at the Academy for?" I ask running my hand back through my blonde mess of a hair turning back to face him.
"Erm Art, English, Hangul lessons and Japanese, you?" He replies in a calmer less sterner tone.
"Art, Music and English." I tell him, "I know your in my English, you sit next to me-" "Yes I had to tell you to shut up." He looks at me with a smirk.
"Why did you shush me?" I ask moving so I'm facing him with my legs crossed.
"Because you mister and stupid" he chuckles leaning forward and pressing a hand to my leg so he's a little closer. "You shouldn't talk to a pretty boy unless you are one. Which you are now." He tells me.
"What's so bad about being a pretty boy anyway?" I mutter and look down into my lap.
"Oh boy I've had the title for a year and a half trust me it's terrible. Your the least important. Your the most targeted once everyone knows. Mostly, you'll get thing shouted at you." Sehun explains and I give a silent, oh ,
"I'm sure I'll be okay right?"
"Yeah. I'll make sure of that and I'm sure Rose and Xiumin will too." He says and I give a small smile before looking up at him. "See your even smiling thanks to me!" He laughs and I can't help but laugh too.

Pretty Boy // HunhanWhere stories live. Discover now