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I wake up lying on Sehun's chest with all his warmth curling up around me. A few moments after, Sehuns eyes flutter open and look down to see me, a smile rising on his face.
"Annyeong Lu" he mutters and I giggle.
"I don't know what you just said..." I reply and Sehun lifts his hand to run his forehead.
"Sorryyy..." He sighs and I rest my cheek on his chest.

"Its okay."

"I said Hello Lu." He tells me and I nod in reply. Sehuns arms snake around me and hold me close, he moves his leg a little so both of mine fall in between his. "Lu..."
"Hmm" I turn my head to look up my eyes fluttering sleepily.
"Did you mean it...when...you said you loved me?" He asks and I nod with a smile before lifting myself up a little.
"Of course." I reply and Sehuns cheeks go a little shade of pink. "Do you love me?" I murmur brushing my lips over his cheek. Sehuns hand lifts pulling me to look at him. His fingers resting on my cheek, slipping around my chin.
Sehun pulls me closer until our lips connect and my body presses against his at the touch. I kiss back and pull my arms up resting my hand on his shoulder and the other slipping around his neck. He moves his lips against mine and I feel myself groan as he kisses me harder. Sehun removes his lips from mine and I thought I did something wrong until his hand pushes me a little to tilt my head and he connects his lips there. I gasp as he sits up making me sit on his Lap. "Lu.." He murmurs and continues kissing down my neck and collarbone. My arms draping over his shoulders and my eyes squeezed shut. "S-Sehun..." I groan again and he kisses harder, nibbling a little making me gasp louder.
His hand trail up my t shirt and he runs them down my bare back. He suddenly stops and pulls away from me looking down with a frown.
"Sehun?" I say trying to even out my breathing.

"Sorry I should have stopped." He tells me and I sigh.

"Sehun it's okay..." I reply and his eyes instantly look up to me.

"Are you sure?" I nod in reply. Sehun bites his lip in. "Take off your shirt." He tells me and I lift up my shirt pulling it off and throwing it to the floor. He stares down at my body and I feel my body tense as the cold air hits me. Sehun pulls me close to him and looks up at me.
"Maybe somewhere comfortable and not right now." He says and smiles before brushing a hand down my body and pressing his lips to mine giving me a soft kiss.
"Okay..." I say swallowing hard.
"Why don't you stay tonight..." Sehun suggests and I look at him as I wrap the blanket around myself.
"You mean..." "Yeah." He says and my stomach flutters.
"Dont expect me to be too soft." He tells me giving me a wink before getting up and walking over to the kitchen. I swallow hard as I watch him.

"I..err...Sehun...I've never..."

"Don't worry. Ill be soft until your into it." He replies without turning around.
What am I supposed to do? Am I the one to take it all? Do I do what Sehun says? I have no idea...
"Lu..." Sehun calls and I look over to him.


"Have you told anyone about us?" He asks.

"No but...I was wondering if I could tell Hani...since she's my best friend and I want my little sister to know about you." I reply and Sehun turns a little to look at me.
"You can as long as you can trust her which I'm guessing you can." He chuckles and a smile hits my face as I grab my backpack pulling my phone out before lying flat on the sofa.


Hani- WHAT

Luhan- I have a boyfriend!

Hani- does he look like Jackson?

Luhan- omg no XD But its Sehun!

Hani- oh my gosh that was quite quick but if your happy I'm happy.

Luhan- about being quick...

Hani- What?

Luhan- I think...that later me and Sehun are going to you know...the thing we don't talk about.


Luhan- yes yes! I love him...

Hani- okay if your ready ;) go for it. Ill tell Wei how your doing and stuff

Luhan- okay tell her about Sehun!

Hani- will do, love ya byesss!

I reach back and put my phone away but before I could turn back I had the blanket snatched off of me.
"Hey!" I whine and Sehun laughs before folding it. "I'm cold now"
"Then put your t shirt back on" Sehun smirks and I roll my eyes. He's annoying, teasing me, turning me and I can't get to grips with how his mind works. Not yet anyway.
I grab my shirt off the floor and pull it on before looking over to see Sehun walk off into the bedroom. What if I'm not ready? Shush Lu!
When Sehun walks back out and glances at me with a smile.

"What are we doing today?" I ask to calm my state and he shrugs.

"What would you like to do?" He asks me leaning on the back of the sofa and looking at me.


"Can we dye your hair?" He chuckles and I nod quickly.

"Sure. What colour?"

"Blue." Blue?

"Would that suit me?" I feel unsure about it. My hair is blonde and I really like it blonde but blue?

"Yeah of course. I mean I have Pink and was thinking of dying mine so we could get it done together?" Sehun suggests and I smile wide at the idea.
"Sounds nice." I giggle and Sehun leans in planting a soft kiss to my lips.
"Your so pretty when you smile." Sehun tells me hovering in front of my face for a while before smiling and leaning away. "I've put some clothes for you in the bathroom." He says and I nod as he walks off into the bedroom.
I make my way to the bathroom to find a purple shirt, black jeans and a black leather jacket. Holy fuck.
I gulp as I shut the door with my ankle. He has different style to what I thought...
I slip out of my clothes and pull on the jeans and shirt. I do up the shirt and look down at myself. Woah.
Picking up the leather jacket and the other clothes I leave the bathroom and knock on Sehuns bedroom door. A small come in is heard on the other side of the door and I open to see Sehun doing up a white shirt with black birds printed on it. I walk over to him and put the clothes on the bed which I borrowed and he turns to me, looking me up and down with a surprised look on his face. He turns to me and and pulls me close by my shirt and I pull my arms around his neck and he pulls his around my waist.
I nuzzle his neck with my nose before leaving light kisses over his neck. His hands grip the material of the back of my shirt as a moan releases from his lips. I continue to kiss his neck but slightly harder before Sehun turns us and throws me down onto the bed, climbing up on top of me.
"I thought I told you later." He raises an eyebrow as he stares at me and I bite my lip in. Sehun smirks at me before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine hard and moving them in sync as I join. My hands find their way into his hair and he groans into the kiss before releasing.
"Wait." He winks before pulling me back up. "We've got the whole day out now come on." He says and I whine.
"Your such a tease..." I murmur and he turns his head to me.
"Am I really?" He smirks and I sigh again but deliberately. "Come on Lu." He chuckles before grabbing my hand and pulling me along.
I run my hand through my hair and grab the leather Jacket quickly before being pulled to the door. Sehun grabs his jacket and we leave and head down the road. As I put on my jacket Sehun stares at me and when I finally put it on he grasps my hand again.
"Why are you staring for?" I ask nervously.

"Because your so beautiful" ....

Sorry there hasn't been an update for a while. I've been writing a lot of other stuff so I hope you take a look


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