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I wake up with the pains eased but not completely gone. It's understandable, after all.
I stretch out my legs a little before rolling and lying flat on my front, my body pressing into the mattress and turn my head to see the sleepy face of Sehun. His rainbow hair messy, strands hanging how over his forehead as his face is still and rested. His arm tucked under his head, the other flat against the bed from where I was lying under his grasp.
I slowly slip out of the warmth of the bed and into the cold room, finding my shorts and slipping them on as well as my jumper. I quietly make my way out of the room flicking the light on making the main room bright again before making my way to the kitchen. I boil the kettle and wait resting my palms on the counter in front of me. I stare down at the metal of the kettle as I can see my reflection, I can see that Sehun had left quite a large mark around my collarbone. It's in a place easy to cover up, especially with the clothes I got yesterday. The kettle boils and I pour water into a mug with green tea and stir it until it's all done and sip it gently.
I can't stand completely straight when still, I get a pain in my lower back even though it isn't that bad, I'm sure it will ease away eventually.
As I continue to sip my tea I feel two arms snake around me loosely and I turn my head a little to see a sleepy Sehun rest his head on my shoulder.
"Hehe morning." I chuckle as I continue sipping my tea and he smiles widely.
"Morning Lu." He gives me a gentle squeeze as I turn to rest my back against the counter. Sehun pouts a little as he had to move off my shoulder but as he notices the mark he made his eyes widen "Ah....it wasn't supposed to be that bad..." He mutters biting his lip in and I giggle.
"It's okay." I say and I pull the collar of his t shirt down a little to reveal a smaller mark I made but it's really bad as its split and messy. "See I should be sorry about that. That's terrible." I smirk and Sehun does too at my stupidity.
I put my mug down before pulling Sehun close, closing the gap between us, his hands smacking down on the counter behind me. Our noses practically touching and our lips close together I can't help but smile and look into his eyes.
"You make me happy Sehun." I whisper and I see him go a little pink, "Promise you won't leave..."

"I promise you." He tells me with a serious tone and I nod once a little. "Besides. I don't care what anyone thinks anymore...not even my parents." Sehun breathes before pressing his lips to mine, as I press back it forms a hard, passionate kiss before he releases he fits one hand to my waist.

"And you know...when you go back to China after your stay...I might come with you. Even though I'm not going to be there for 6 months." He says and my eyes light up.

"Please come!" I grin and Sehun presses his forehead to mine.

"I will if you want me to." Sehun replies and I giggle pulling my arms around him. "We must keep this a secret for now...until I leave anyway..."

"That's six months though!" I sigh and he moves a hand to my cheek.

"Yes but...when Christmas comes and I come over to see your parents, we can be ourselves." He tells me, "that's only three months away." 

I nod once.

"What if it's just us two together...when we're here or at mine?"
Sehun raises an eyebrow at me as if I'm being stupid...which I am. He leans in and presses his lips to mine before lifting me up onto the kitchen counter. "I may have some makeup for you to cover this with...well...to make it less visible." Sehun says brushing his fingers over the bruises and I flinch a little but not so much it's clear to Sehun.
"I'm going for a shower." I tell him and he smiles.
"Okay Just one last thing." He says and I look at him confused before he leans closer and places kisses to my neck making my head fall back.
He pulls his arms tightly around me, resting his chin on my shoulder and I pull mine over his shoulders and hug him back.
"Your clothes are in the bedroom." He murmurs and i nod as he moves away letting me hope off the side and walking off to the bedroom to get my clothes. I pick out my white jumper with black hexagons on and a pair of skinny jeans before making my way to the bathroom and getting a shower and dressed.
Once I'm dressed I wait on the sofa for Sehun to be done as I think he wants to go out again.
"Lu." Sehun says doing up a black shirt walking out of his bedroom, when he looks up to me his expression changes and his eyebrows raise. "Well damn me...didn't know it was going to look that good on you." He murmurs and I giggle.
"Are we going out again today?" I ask and he nods quickly.
"Yup! With Rose and Minseok.." I give a confused look, "I forgot to mention that Xuimins name is actually Minseok didn't I..." With a giggle I nod and he covers his face with a hand in shame.
"Its okay, you've told me now." I say and Sehun looks through his fingers at me.
"Okay." He smiles before making his way over and sitting next to me. He takes one of my hands in his and looks me in the eyes. "Luhan is it okay...if I...set down some rules?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"Rules...like...when we're out...together?"

"Depends...tell me." I say and Sehun turns to face me completely, his face turning into a more serious Sehun and I know he means what he's about to ask.
"So...I made a few rules. One, that you stay around me so that people know your mine, sounds strange but it keeps me at ease. Two, Rose tends to remark on other guys and normally wants back up on what their like...please don't. Three, I'm allowed to kiss you in public but not at the Academy. We cannot be seen as 'together' in the Academy whatsoever and Four, If anyone else flirts with you or talks to you, expect me to be watching them or either pull you away from the flirtatious person." Sehun explains and I swallow hard... He's really protective...like really bad, what have I got myself into...but...then again...I guess this is okay!
"Sehun" I smile a little and he leans in slightly wanting confirmation and I nod, "Sounds fine."

"Okay good." He chuckles and I smirk before climbing onto his lap and sitting there with a leg either side. His hands fitting to my waist perfectly. "Hmm...you can still see the mark on your collar bone..." Sehun remarks and I tilt my head a little.

"It doesn't matter does it?"

"Not at all." He says looking up to me. I lean down and connect my lips to his, he kisses back hard and our lips move against one another in sync. Sehuns hands find their way to move my shirt so his hands fit to my bare waist and I smile into the kiss, pulling my arms over his shoulders before moving down and kissing his neck. Soft moans release from his lips but before we knew it someone knocked the door. Sehun groans in frustration and he looks at me. "Thats probably Rose." Sehun says and I nod moving off Sehuns lap and fixing my shirt and grabbing my suede black shoes putting them on quickly as he opens the door.
"Hey Sehun! Oh...and...Luhan?" She says in sudden surprise, "Wait you've both changed your hair...AHH I love it!" A giggle escapes her lips as she pulls Minseok through the door.
"Hey guys!" He says without looking up from his phone.
"He's busy...talking to someone...I don't know who" Rose sighs and I grab my phone shoving it in my pocket.
"So whose ready to go out?" Rose says and Sehun nods. I make my way over to Sehun and as we all walk back out Sehun grabs his keys and locks up after us.
He then grasps my hand and pulls me close to him, I already feel the protection...and its quite nice...

Sorry it's been a while since I updated. I've been working on a few other books as well :)
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