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I finally get home and settle down making myself some food and curling up under a blanket on my bed reading through settling in books I got as a starter from the Academy.
Make friends it says.
Stand out it says.
Try your hardest it says...

I've made friends yes, I'm not attempting to stand out, it was terrible...and if I try...I will probably get beaten. Try your hardest? At what? Trying not to be frowned upon because guess what? Too late...
I drop the books on the floor and stare at the the photo on my window ledge, a smile across my face as I sip my tea. The room is lit up by the small lamp on my desk and its so warm from the heater...but...I'm still alone.
I move my phone closer with my fingers and check it. No messages.
I frown and find Hani's number.

Luhan : Hey Hani. How are you and Wei? It's everything alright. Xxx

I sigh before resting my head back against my pillow and putting my mug down. I look over to see my uniform on my desk neatly where I put it.
A wave of sadness rushes over me and I don't know whether it's from me being alone or the fact I have to face school again tomorrow.
My phone vibrates.

Hani : Hey Lu sorry I haven't messaged u I've been busy at work but Wei is good! She's been round her friends for two nights but she misses you a lot! I'm good too just tired xxx

Luhan : Get some rest then, you deserve it! Tell Wei I said hi and I miss her too. I miss you too xxx

Hani: You'll see me soon enough ! Xxx

Luhan: GOOD

Hani : Haha night Lulu xx

Luhan : night xxx

I put my phone on the window ledge and shuffle under the duvet hiding my face in my hoodie. My eyes shut and I fall off into a deep sleep...



I rush up! Quickly eating, getting dressed, fixing my hair and grab my backpack rushing out the door to catch the bus!
I get on and see Xiumin sitting by himself so I sit beside him...but he doesn't look his happy self.
"Hey Lu" he says , his tone neutral and low.
"Hey...erm...is everything okay?" I ask and he turns his head to look at me. His eyes seemingly darker and he looks a little more pale.
"Haven't you heard?" He asks and I shake my head...what do I need to hear about?  Is it Sehun? Is this way I didn't want to leave?


"Luhan! Are you listening?" I snap out of my thoughts and turn to Xiumin.
"Yes." I reply and he sighs.

"It was Sehun...last night erm.." He breathes out, "His apartment got...set alight..."
"Like..on fire?" I ask and he nods. "Well is he okay?!"
"Yes he is. He's in today..." Xiumin says, "Hes staying at mine and we managed to recover most of his things." I really hope he's okay!!! I need to see him!

"Do you know who did it Luhan?" He asks and I stare at Xiumin. I don't know. "It was Chanyeol and Yoongi."

I frown deeply in anger. I hate them so much, "Why?"
"Because they saw him with you. Also...their not in the Academy for a couple weeks since they've been kicked out for a while."

I fall silent. It's my fault! I'm so anxious I can't even sit still, my foot tapping against the floor of the bus and finally after five more minutes which feels like forever it pulls up to the Academy.
I rush out Xiumin following after me very quickly...that's when I see it. Through the gates, Chen holding Sehun by the collar as he's on the floor looking helpless.
I throw my backpack to the floor, he helped me so I will help him! I run! I run and get to him, raising a fist and striking Chen in the cheek...He lets go of Sehun and falls to the ground gripping his jaw. I breathe out and Chen looks up. As he goes to stand back up I lift a foot and kick him back down.
"Stay the hell down!" I shout and the whole group around goes silent. Chen falls back down and I turn to Sehun whose looking at me from the floor, cuts across his face, his lips bleeding and tears on his face. I hate it.
I lean down and help Sehun get up, I hold his body around his waist and he leans onto my shoulder, his face pushed against my chest as he starts to cry.

"What the fuck is this?" A voice says coming out of the doors of the Academy. I turn to see Tao.

"That pretty boy is trying to be hard..." Chen manages to say whilst holding his jaw.

"Get the fuck up Chen!" Tao yells and Chen hops up instantly. Two instantly steps in front of me, totally unaware of the body of Sehun I'm holding.
"What's your problem?" He spits and I roll my eyes.
"Just stay the hell away from us!" I say with anger and Tao raises an eyebrow.

"Or what?"

"Tao I suggest you do, I took Karate as a kid and managed to beat the strongest in the room so I'd suggest you turn around and go back inside with your little friend before I kick your asses inside myself." I tell him sternly and he smirks before turning to Chen.

"Your lucky this time pretty boy." Tao snickers before dragging Chen inside by his shirt.

The crowd slowly fades away and Xiumin runs over with my bag and looking incredibly worried.
Sehun grips the back of my shirt tightly as I'm still holding him up.
"Oh my gosh..." Xiumins voice in shock as he looks from me to Sehun. I'm shaking slightly as I was terrified in case they got me too and what could I have done for Sehun? My forehead is so warm with sweat I can't even think, my breathing unsteady...I need to get out with Sehun.

That's when our English teacher approaches.

"Whats going on? Why aren't you in clas-" she suddenly stops when she sees Sehun in my arms. "Oh my dear gosh! Take him to the nursing room!"

"Ill take you Lu!" Xiumin says knowing that I don't know and our teacher nods once.
"Thank you Minseok." She says and looks worryingly as we walk up the steps carefully, I help Sehun walk. His eyes red from the tears, his clothes and face are dusty and bloodied. He stays close to me the whole time and when we finally get there the Nurse looks in complete surprised.

"Oh my gosh lie him down!" She says nervously and I help Sehun onto the hospital like bed and lie him down. When I go to walk away he instantly grabs my hand weakily and tugs a little. I look back at him and his eyes just plead me not to go so I don't.
Xiumin leaves my backpack as well as Sehuns on the chair beside the Nurse.
I sit down in the chair bedside the bed Sehun is lying on as the Nurse checks his face and asks him if there's pain in different spots and of course there is.

"I'm going to have to call for an ambulance so that the fully trained ones can check that he's 100% okay!" She tells me and I nod once. My heart beating so fast that I hope nothing is wrong.
Sehun grasps my hand tightly and turns his head to look at me, his eyes are so sad, his expression isn't his own and neither are his words... "I'm scared." He says to me with coughs.

I squeeze his hand back and move a little closer to him, "I'm here all the time okay?" A small smile lifts to his face brightening it a little and when the Nurse isn't looking I kiss his cheek softly.

"It's going to be okay..."



Anyway I hope your enjoying this book and not crying over whatever screen your reading this on...oops
Sorry I haven't updated in a while either that's why there a double update! I've written so many other ones I have to juggle them around lol.

Love you all

- Darcie

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