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I feel this song fits with this chapter :)


We get outside of the airport and I take a deep breath...then I see her.

Wei. Her long brown hair in two plaits, she's wearing blue dungarees and a white shirt...she looks adorable!

I drop my bags and run as I see her running towards me. Tears welling at my eyes as I see her and I lean down to hug her and she falls into my arms. I hug her tightly and I never want to let go!
I've missed her so much! I've missed her hugs, company and her smile!
I hug her close to my chest and I breath out shakily as the tears escape my eyes. "I-I've missed you so much!" I sniff and her face pushed against my neck.
"I'm missed you a lot Lu!" She chuckles in a little sob.
I look up to see my parents standing there. It's the first time I've seen them together for a very long time...and all of us together just makes me happier than ever!

I pick up Wei as I stand up and smile from my mum to my dad. My smile widening as my mum's eyes light up like they did when I saw her last. Her smile across her face sweetly and her hair just above her shoulders, it's all the same.
My dad's looking in surprise. He's looking me over with a small smile on his face, his eyes wide but the way they are when he's happy.
"She's missed you a lot Lu, so much!" My mum says to me, "As much as me and your father have!"

"I've missed you all" I sniff, "but I have someone you should all meet.."
Wei shifts so her hands are rested on my shoulders, I see her look over my shoulders with a wide grin.
As my parents step to my side I turn around and Hani and Sehun walk up to us with the bags.
"Mum...Dad...I'd like you to meet Sehun." I say and Sehun smiles. Hani pulls an arm around Sehuns waist and I chuckle.
"Lulu is this the boy you were talking about?" Wei asks me and I nod.
"Mhm. This is my boyfriend." I say and my mum smiles wide.

"It's lovely to meet you Sehun!" She says to him and he bows once a little.

"It's nice to meet you too Mr and Mrs Lu." Sehun replies before walking up to me and smiling at Wei, brushing a finger against her cheek. "Han has told me a lot about you, it's wonderful too meet you!" He says to her and she smiles wider.

"Xiéxié it's nice to see you too!" She giggles before reaching forward and hugging him around the neck. Sehun pulls an arm around her and one around me so she is in the middle.
"Well we better get back so we can talk about your trip and give you your gifts!!" Dad says sounding excitedly before helping Hani grabs bags as Sehun does too, letting go of me and Wei.
I follow Hani, Mum and Dad back to the car, Sehun next to me as I carry Wei.
"You better look after him!" Wei says to Sehun with a pout, "I will be sad if you hurt my brother!"
Sehun looks to the floor before smiling to himself.
"I won't Wei. Don't worry. I couldn't hurt your brother" Sehun says and I feel myself blush a little before looking at him.

As we get into the car, I put Wei down as she climbs into the very back seat behind where Hani, Sehun and I sit, Mum and dad in the front.
As the car starts moving I feel Sehun take my hand in his and I look at him. As he looks back at me I can tell he's nervous. Why wouldn't he be? He's with my family, in China away from everything he knows.
I squeeze his hand a little and a smile rises to my face. I've missed being around my family and I've missed the car journeys with them.
I missed pretty much everything....


"I met Sehun in my English class," I say taking another bite of my fried chicken, "He sits next to me. He caught my eye instantly and he saved me from a couple people who were just...mean I guess? And we became friends and then...we became something."

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