Chapter 4

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Hey guys so I left u guys with a cliffhanger but this chapter is my favorite so far!!!!


As I walked up to the door i couldnt help but think this place is huge!! The bad thing was that the place was filled with drunk sweaty teenagers....nasty...I walked in the door with Gracie and the the aroma hit me. This place was gross. I said by to Gracie and she went off with some guy to the dance floor. I wasent going to get drunk tonight cause i had to drive home so i decided to go get a non-alcoholic drink. When i finally found the bar i couldnt stop staring at this guy.

'Hey what can i get you hun?"

"Uh um a diet coke..."

"Haha ok no prob."

I started to study his wonderful body. He had abs that were shown through his shirt. His hair was a nice brown and he had gorgeous green eyes. He was over all amazing.

"Her ya go sweetheart. Now since i gave you that can I ask you for something?"

"Um sure anything."

"Whats your name?"

"Bella and yours?"

"Im Cody."

"Um Hi Cody."

"You know your a real cutie right?"

"Um Um thanks."

"Would you mind dancing with me?"


He took my hand and i started fangirling on the inside! His hands were soft and warm. He had a smile on his face which was priceless.

He took his hands and put them on my waist as I put my hands around his neck. We danced to "Wanted" By Hunter Hayes. We moved slowly to the music without saying a word. I would smile and he would smile back. This moment didnt feel awkward it felt well it felt right. I looked over his shoulder and saw something that was weird.

Ryder was dancing with this girl but his eyes werent on her they were on me. When we locked eyes it felt as if the world stopped. The song ended and Cody had to go back to the bar. I did get his number though.

There was only one thing on my mind right now. It was Ryder. I need to find him....


I saw her...

Dancing with a guy

But that guy wasent me.

I felt my heart go into a million pieces. I wonder if i could really like her. I do like her. Well at least i think i like her.


No way. Thats Bella.


"Can i talk to you in private?"

"Um sure"

She pulled me to this room where there wasent anyone there.

"I saw you Ryder."


"When i was dancing with Cody I saw you look at me and not the prissy blonde chick."

"So my eyes were roaming big deal."

"Ryder you dont understand."


"Ugh ok Bella your momma told you to just to let it out.....Look Ryder. Your the school player that everygirl wants ok? The thing is Ryder I li..."

'Ryder dude come on!" Some guy yelled

"Ok be there in a minute. What were you saying bel..."

She wasent there anymore. Ugh why! I could of told her how i felt! Stupid guys.I need to find her!

I searched the whooe house and didnt find her. She has to be here. I looked for gracie and i found her.



"Wheres Bella!?!"

"The upstairs bathroom."

Oh....I forgot that place....


I tried to tell him but the words didnt come out before i ran away. I ran to the upstairs bathroom and that is where im going to stay before I need to leave with Gracie. I do like Ryder but I dont want to be played. I mean i really like him. I like him a lot i mean this boy is so go..

"Bella I know your in there."

"Um no.."

"Bella please let me in we need to talk."


"I will bust the door down."

"Ya ok."

"You have 3 seconds...."





"Ryder I sa.."


Yep he did bust the door down.

"What the hell Ryder!!"

"I told you i was coming in. Now listein to me Bella. When i saw you with Ryder i felt heartbroken. I was sad cause i think I like you a lot. I am not playing you. I really do like you bella. I dont know why but I do. Ok? Listein to me. Sonce the first day you got here i thought you were so pretty. I thought that you be another one of my stupid victims. The thing is bella. I dont want to play you. I want you to be mine. You bella you are the reason im here tonight. Your the reason i am actually helping on OUR project. Your the reason that im standing here in front of you right now pouring out my feelings. I know you havent been here that long But bella.....Be mine. Will you be MY girlfriend......."

I couldnt take that all in. I did the coward move and ran out....

"Bella!! Wait im sorry!"

This was all just to much. I do like Ryder but him liking me back? Thats different. I would never think of that. What happens if all he said was true. Or was he lieing.....


So guys what do you guys think?????

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