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"Oh baby, I'm so happy you're here, with me. I'm going to miss you so much." Alex was hugging Scott very tightly and left a kiss on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'll miss you too, hun," Scott replied. He leaned a little back and saw Alex's pouty face. Scott giggled and kissed the pout away.

"Okay, this is going to be our night! Just the two of us..." Alex sounded excited. He looked Scott warmly in the eyes, but then his smile sunk and he looked down at his feet. "It's been a while since that happened," he added quietly with a sigh that made it sound like a reproach. 

"Yeah, you're right..." Scott replied, not knowing what else he could say, feeling slightly uncomfortable and guilty. It's true, but he couldn't help it. His career absorbed so much of his time. "I'm sorry."

"No, no, don't be, it's not your fault," Alex reassured him, but Scott didn't feel like he really meant that.

Alex regretted bringing these negative feelings up, because this should be just a fun, carefree evening, so he tried to change the mood. "So, I've planned the entire evening! We'll have dinner, after that we can watch our favorite movie and then..." He didn't finish his sentence. He just winked, smiled very seductively, turned around and walked away.

Scott laughed and stared at his boyfriend's butt. Hmm, so hot. He's so excited, so cute.

Alex started cooking, while Scott chose some good, romantic music to listen to, lit some candles and set the table. He got interrupted by his ringtone. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and read the screen, saying "Mitchy", which confused him. Why is he calling me? He's on a date right now...

"Hey girl, what's up?"

"Scott, can you please come and pick me up?" Mitch spoke very quickly and sounded terrified.

Scott was immediately concerned. "Mitchy, are you okay? Where are you? Aren't you with your date?"

"No, I'm in the bathroom of the bar. He's still there, but I want to go home. He's talking about taking drugs together tonight and he scares me. He's very dominant and don't dare to just say "no". I don't know what to do, I'm afraid. I want to leave, but he picked me up, so I have no car..." Mitch was completely in panic.

Scott didn't think another second of what to do. "Don't worry Mitch, I'll pick you up. I'll call you when I arrive. Just say you have to go to the bathroom again and leave the bar instead. Okay?"

"Yeah, thank you so much." He hung up with a sigh of relief.

Scott stared at the half set table. Shit. How am I going to explain this to Alex? He won't be happy about this. Scott hesitantly walked into the kitchen, grabbing his boyfriends shoulders and giving a peck on his neck.

"Alex? Um, I gotta leave." 

Alex quickly turned around, with a dismayed look on his face. "What, why?!" 

"I'm going to pick Mitch up, but I will be right back! I promise" 

Alex was confused. "Is his date night already over?" 

"Kind of," Scott said nodding his head. 

Alex rolled his eyes and sighed. "Can't he take a taxi?" 

"No, I promised him I would come. He sounded in panic..." 

Alex stared at Scott. He knew Scott would do anything for Mitch and that he would not be able to convince him to stay. "Fine," Alex gave in after a small silence. 

Scott smiled. "Oh, thanks. You're the best." Scott grabbed Alex's cheek and kissed him hard.

 Alex smiled sadly. "Don't stay away too long okay? I'll be waiting for you." 

"I won't babe. Love you," and Scott left with another quick peck.

Great, Alex thought by himself when he heard the door close, now Scott's gone and when he's back we won't be alone anymore. With that idea predominating his mind, he turned around again continued cooking.

When Scott got in his car, he realized that the bar was almost twenty minutes driving from their place. Shit, that means that I'll be away for at least three quarters, he thought. I'll better warn Alex. Scott grabbed his phone and tried to call Alex while driving. His phone went over, but Alex didn't pick up. He's probably cooking under the damper and not hearing it, Scott concluded. I've got to try again when I arrive. I'm not being safe... Stupid! 

Oh, fuck fuck... Alex won't be happy about this. But what could he do? He couldn't leave his best friend alone, right? He's in trouble! Alex will have to understand, right? I'm doing the right thing, Scott tried to convince himself.

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