Chapter Twenty-Five

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dedicated to @Mikey1711, she's Maisie, so yeah...

Chapter 25

Joe's POV

It was hard, seeing Emma like this. It was now one month ago and all she did was sitting in my apartment, looking out of the window.

Emma had moved in with me and Nora had moved in with Marcus. Bertie stopped by twice a week for two hours and only in the hours he was here, she pretended to be fine.

I was really worried. I had no idea what I should do. I called Zoe and she said that I had to talk to Emma, but I didn't want to hurt Emma. She was already hurt. Today we went to the hospital together. Emma wanted to be sure that her hand was healing perfectly, only then she had a chance to play again.

The doctor said everything was going well, but Emma didn't believe it. She had a lot of pain, but she didn't tell the doctor, or me. I could just see it. I told the doctor and he gave me some painkillers for Emma. Saying I could just slip them in her drink and she wouldn't notice it.

Her brother called almost every day. The phone calls where short, but Emma cheered up a little when she was talking to her brother. I had tried almost everything, but nothing I did cheered Emma up.

"Em, let's go outside." I said. Emma stood up and slipped in her shoes. We walked to a park, Emma never came outside anymore. We sat on a bench and all Emma did was looking at her cask. People had written some things on it, but it didn't matter for Emma.

"Em!" I knew that voice. I looked up and saw Sara and Alexis coming to us. "Long time no see. Where were you!" Sara shouted. Emma said nothing. "What happened with your arm?" Alexis asked.

Emma kept her mouth shut. Sara and Alexis looked at me, when they saw my desperate look, they knew something was wrong. "Hey Em, do you want to join us for a walk?" Alexis asked. Emma nodded her head.

The girls took off. I was happy Emma was walking, I knew it was just walking but she was moving more than she had done this past month. I grabbed my phone and called Caspar. Maybe he could help. He went home, to South-Africa, but I still called him almost every day.

"Hello?" I heard him say. "Cas, when are you coming back?" I mumbled. "In two days." Caspar said. I sighed in relief. Without Caspar, Emma was a wreck. "What's going on?" Caspar asked.

"I don't know, I can't really talk to her, you know." I said honestly. "Joe, I'm worried. What if she does something to herself and you don't notice it." Caspar said seriously. "I don't think she can do that." I said. He was right, something could happen.

"I'm coming back now." Caspar said and hung up. Okay, that was weird.

Caspar's POV (You didn't see that coming, did you)

I was so worried about Emma. Joe had told me about the situation. It wasn't good. I was seriously worried Emma would hurt herself or something. Well, this meant I had to take Maisie with me. I don't think she really cares.

"Mase, my best friend is in trouble. I need to go back to England." I told Maisie. "O my god, I'm going to miss you." Maisie said and hugged me. "Do you want to come with me?" I asked. "Yes! Let me pack." Maisie said and ran off.

I sighed, I already booked tickets. I had made a weird deal so I could chose myself when I wanted to fly back. I had two, so Maisie could come with me.

"Mom!" I shouted. "Yes?" I heard from the kitchen. I entered the kitchen. "Mom, I'm going back to London." Mom looked at me. "What's the problem?" She finally asked. "Emma, I think she's suffering from a depression." I told mom.

"How so?" Mom asked worried. "She broke her hand, nearly every bone is broken. The doctor said they call it a scattered hand." I told mom. Mom looked at me. "Emma is professional cellist. There's a chance she can't play ever again in her life. She had surgery and the doctors placed some pins in her hand. They are hoping everything heals good so she can still play, but we all know it will never be the same." I told mom.

"O my god. You have to go back!" Mom exclaimed. "I'm taking Maisie with me." I said. "Good, okay you two need a lift right? I'll bring you." Mom said. I smiled and went upstairs to grab my suitcases. Maisie was also done.

"Let's go." I said to Maisie, she nodded. She was ready for this.

"Caspar, mate. You're back!" Alfie said. I just nodded. "Why are you back early?" He asked. "Emma." I mumbled. "Yeah, it isn't going too well with her. Everyone is worrying. Who did you bring?" Alfie asked in a fast tempo.

"I brought Maisie, my cousin." I told him. Maisie took a step forward. "Maisie Wilder. 18 years old." Maisie said. I rolled my eyes. "Alfie Deyes, 20 years old." Alfie said. they shook hands.

"So, I'll sleep on the couch." I said to Maisie. "Nu-uh, I'll sleep on the couch. Everything is fine, as long as you have food." Maisie said. I heard Alfie chuckle, but the problem is that Maisie was serious about her food, really serious.

"Whatever. I'm going to go to Emma." I said. "Mate, it's 10 in the morning." Alfie said. "What's your point?" I asked. Alfie sighed. "Nothing." What did he mean? "Mase, do you want to come?" I asked.

Maisie shook her head. "Nope, I'll go and sleep. This time I'll use your bed." Maisie said and walked to my room. Sometimes I didn't get my cousin. "Alfie?" I asked. "Sorry mate, I'm supposed to meet Zoe." Alfie said. I shrugged and took off.

I knocked on the door. No answer, I knocked again. Joe answered the door. "Caspar, mate. You're here." He said surprised. "No, I'm a ghost and I'm going to hound you. Of course I'm here. It's Emma we're talking about." I said.

I entered the living room. There was Emma, just like Joe had described. Emma sitting in a chair, staring out of the window. "Em." I said loudly. Emma said or did nothing. I walked to her and sat down next to her.

"Em, it's me Caspar." This time I got a reaction. Emma's head turned to me. "Caspar?" Emma mumbled. "It's me, baby girl."

"Caspar, I thought you were home. In South-Africa. You weren't coming back until next month." Emma whispered. "I came back for you, I missed my best friend." Okay, that was not the only reason I came back, but I couldn't really tell her I was back to be here for her with her depression. Could I?

"I missed you too." Emma whispered. I flung my arms around her. It was good to have her back.

''So, what's going on?" I asked carefully. "Nothing much. I can't do that much." Emma said quietly. "Well, you can go shoe shopping with me." I said. I don't know why I said that, maybe to cheer her up. I knew Emma loved shopping.

"I don't know, Cas." Emma said. "Come on, I know you can." I said. "What if something happens with my hand? There's a big chance I can't play anymore. I don't want to risk anything." Emma said.

I was wondering what Joe did with Emma all day. It was horrible to see Emma like this. I sighed. "Okay, just let's go to Covent Garden and then we can see how everything goes." I suggested. Emma reluctantly nodded.

"But Joe also needs to come." Emma said. "Of course." Joe said. We all grabbed our coats since it was pretty cold and we made our way, with the metro, to Covent Garden.

When we were there, we first went to drink something. I had texted some people and they all agreed to come. When we arrived at the terrace, Marcus, Nora, Jack, Brianna, Finn, Zoe, Alfie, Maisie, Louis, Louise, Darcy, Bertie, Dan, Phil, Troye and Tyler were there. Troye and Tyler were here for a few days. Doing some collabs and everything.

Emma looked at me and Joe. "These people are really here?" Emma asked unsure. We nodded. "This is the first time in a month I see them." Emma mumbled to me. I glared at Joe. Joe motioned for Emma to take a seat and then whispered to me: "They were over all the time, she just didn't see them or something. It was like she was in her own world."

I looked at Emma, she was smiling weakly when Louise gave her a hug. Dan and Phil, who Emma only met once, gave her a bear hug and said some funny things. Bertie gave Emma a long hug and whispered some things to her. Emma nodded. I felt Joe tense up next to me.

"Joe, don't worry. Bertie is kinda like her little brother. By the way, Bertie is around the two years younger than Emma." I said. Joe blushed. That boy was so whipped.

Emma talked to everyone before she finally could drink something. She cried when Zoe hugged her. I think she really had missed Zoe.

When Emma looked at Maisie, her face went blank. I looked at my cousin and saw she had the same look on her face. What was going on?

"Maisie?" Emma mumbled. "Em?" Maisie replied. Maisie threw her arms around Emma. "O my god! I didn't know you were Emma! I mean, Caspar talks a lot about you but there are so many Emma's that I just didn't know it was you! I thought you were still living in Holland." Maisie said. She had tears in her eyes.

"When you moved away, everything slowly crumbled and everyone left me. They all left me." Emma said, tears in her eyes. "Ssh, they are not worth your tears." Maisie said. "They crashed my party, saying bad things about me and everyone left. Everyone believed them." Emma was crying.

"You weren't there and I was all alone." Emma said to Maisie. What the hell where they talking about. "Everyone was treating me like crap and ignored me." Emma continued. "Ssh, it's okay. I'm here now. I wished I could have stayed, but my parents wanted to move back home." Maisie mumbled.

Wait, they know each other from the time Maisie lived in the Netherlands? I don't get it. What happened for Emma to burst out in tears? I looked at Joe, I think he was only other one besides Emma and Maisie who knew what was going on.

"I'm so happy you're here. What are you even doing here?" Emma asked. "I'm here with Caspar. I'm his cousin." Maisie said. Emma looked at me and then at Maisie. She looked confused.

"Are you here for good or just for a bit?" Emma asked with a small voice. "I don't know Em, I don't know." Maisie said.

Joe looked hurt, I don't know why. Maybe it was because Emma was just crying her eyes out to an old best friend, but I think it was something Emma said. Emma was hurt by something. Something she didn't tell anyone but Joe and now Maisie.

I looked at Dan and Phil. They were just whispering with each other. Louise and Zoe were also whispering and looking worried in the direction of Emma. Something was really wrong. I hoped she would tell me one day.

Louis, Jack, Finn and Brianna were just joking around. Jack and Brianna were good for each other. Jack was sometimes a little rude and Brianna a little bossy, but together they were perfectly in balance. It was cute. I just hoped I would find the perfect girl.

"O my god, Emma. Those shoes are all scuffed. You should buy some new ones." Louise said and pointed at Emma's feet. "Yeah, she's totally right! Come with us." Zoe said and grabbed Emma's good hand.

"Maisie, are you coming too?" Emma mumbled. Maisie smiled and nodded. "Nora, you too?" Emma was still mumbling. Nora just nodded. "Brianna?" Brianna stood up and followed the other girls.

So, now all the girls left, we could just talk. "So, Emma is doing better?" Finn asked. Everyone looked at Joe. Even Marcus, who didn't really spoke to Emma anymore since Emma now lived with Joe.

"I don't know. She is sitting at a chair staring out of the window all day and then Caspar stops by and she talks again. She didn't even noticed you are around all the time, trying to cheer her up." Joe mumbled.

I could see everyone was shocked about that.

"She only reacted on Bertie, who stopped by twice a day for a few hours and now on Caspar. I've no idea how I can reach her. She's depressed. I know she is. I'm so worried. I'm worried she might hurt herself."

"Joe, you don't have to worry. I know she won't do that. Emma is strong. We all know that." Bertie said. "Yeah, she fights for everything. All she cares about right now is being able to play when her cask is off." Louis said.

Joe slowly nodded. We all could see he was having a hard time with this. He loved Emma. We all loved Emma, maybe not in the way Joe did but Emma was our friend and we wanted to help her.

"You know what, me and Maisie will take Emma out tomorrow. I've a plan." I told Joe. Joe smiled gracefully at me. "Thanks mate."

"Show them what you've bought." Louise said to Emma. Emma shyly grabbed the shoe boxes and showed us her new pairs of shoes. Two pair of Vans. One pair of yellow ones and one pair of dark green ones. She also had bought a pair of black low tops from Converse.

Emma shopping with the girls was not that good for Emma, I guess. They made her buy more than one pair, whatever. If it makes Emma happy, I'm happy.

"Maisie stays with us tonight." Emma told Joe. He just smiled, obviously happy Emma was interacting again. "Of course, love." He said and kissed her cheek. A spark was noticeable in Emma's eyes. This was exactly what Emma needed, her friends.

"Let's go do something." Emma said. Everyone looked at her. "Mama, Emma up." Darcy whined to Louise. Emma smiled as Louise put Darcy on Emma's lap.

"Boo." Emma said. "No, Darcy." Darcy said. They were so cute together. I quickly made a picture and put it on twitter and facebook. I saw the others had done the same.

After two hours of just sitting, we all went home. Tomorrow me and Maisie would take Emma out. Something fun.

She just had to cheer up. That was everything.

Emma's POV

The doorbell rang. "Joe!" I shouted. I was in my room, getting ready. It was the first in a whole month that I was doing my hair. I always just threw it in a ponytail. Seeing people care about me yesterday, really opened my eyes. People cared about me. I wasn't alone in this.

The doorbell rang again. "Joe! Open the fucking door." I shouted. I heard the door go open and I sighed. "Joe, come here please!" I shouted. I hated this. I couldn't do anything myself. I heard the door open, so I turned around. Only to see Maz and Sam.

"Where's Joe?" I asked. "You look stunning, babe." Sam said completely ignoring my question. "Sam, shut up. That's my girlfriend." Joe said who entered our room. "You called?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, could you zipper my dress?" I asked and blushed. "Of course." Joe said and smiled. He zippered up my dress and looked at me. I put on some vans and looked at Joe, he sighed and bend down to do my shoelaces.

I bit my lip. I hated this. I didn't want him to do this all for me, but I couldn't do this myself. I went quiet again. I didn't deserve him. He was too good for me. Joe got up and pecked my lips.

The doorbell rang again and Joe rushed to the door. "So, how are you handling this?" Maz asked. I liked him more than Sam, but only slightly. He was politer to me. "I don't know. I can't do really much." I said.

"Well, I think it's kinda hot." Sam said. I rolled my eyes. "Are you ever going to stop flirting?" I asked. "Not with you." He replied cheekily. "Em!" Caspar shouted and wrapped his arms around me.

"Hey Cas." I said and smiled. "I like the hair." I blushed. "Joe styled it for me." I mumbled. "Emmie!" Maisie interrupted and yanked me out of the arms of her cousin. She pulled me in a good hug.

"Ooh and who's this?" Sam asked, looking Maisie up and down. "My cousin, hands off." Caspar said. "Don't worry, I've too much fun with Emma." Sam replied. Everyone turned to him, then to me.

"What the fuck?" Joe just asked. "Haha, very funny." I said sarcastically. "Well, let's go." Caspar said. Joe pulled me into him for a passion kiss. "Have fun today." He mumbled. "You too." I said and walked out of the door.

"So, what are we going to do?" I asked excited. I had really missed Caspar. We took a taxi downtown. Stepped out in front of the Arsenal stadium. I turned around to look at them.

"How did you know? I never talk about football. I only watch it online to see my favourite club." I said.

"Joe told me you never been to a football match, but that you really liked football." Caspar said. "Wait, we're going to the match?" Suddenly I was buzzing with energy. O my god! Ajax was playing, my favourite club from the Netherlands.

"Yes, now come on." Caspar said. we showed the doorman our tickets and then walked through the whole stadium to find our seats. Once we sat down, I looked around. The music was blasting and some of the players were training. I was so close to the field, but not too close. These seats were perfect.

"O my god, thank you so much!" I said and gave Caspar a hug. After an hour, the game started. I cheered really hard. I could see that Maisie enjoyed it too and even Caspar was intensely watching.

"Go Arsenal!" Caspar shouted. I glared at him and shouted even harder: "Go Ajax!" Caspar looked at me and started laughing. "I think she'll go mental when she hears what we're doing after this." Caspar mumbled to Maisie.

I ignored it and just watched the game. It was epic. Ajax won with a 2-1. The whole game was so good! I wanted to go, but Caspar stopped me. "We've something else here." He said.

I followed him and Maisie and we were at the place the journalists were. I looked at Caspar. "You can ask one of them one question. Just wait until the one you want to ask a question is here for an interview, hold this pass up and you can ask your question. Only one." Caspar said.

I squealed. This wasn't happening. O my god. Then, De Jong came. I knew I wanted to ask him a question. I held my pass up and the journalist let me go first. "Hallo, ik ben Emma en ik had een vraag." I started. De Jong smiled. "Je maakte een prachtige goal, wat ging er door je hoofd toen je scoorde?" I asked.

De Jong seemed surprised that I asked him this question. "Ik dacht vooral: Yes, we hebben gewonnen!" De Jong said. I smiled and thanked him. "Wacht, hier is mijn handtekening." De Jong said and put his autograph on a piece of paper. I thanked him again and walked away.

(What Emma asked the football player (De Jong from Ajax): "Hello, my name is Emma and I had a question." I started. De Jong smiled. "You made a beautiful goal: What went through your head when you scored?"

De Jong seemed surprised that I asked him this question. "I was namely thinking, yes we won." De Jong said. I smiled and thanked him. "Wait, here is my autograph." De Jong said and gave me his autograph on a piece of paper. I thanked him again and walked away)

"That was so cool!" I shout as we are in a taxi again. "I can't thank you enough." I said and spread my arms. Both of my hands flew the sides of the cars. One wave of pain and I knew something was wrong.

A tear rolled down my cheek. "W-we have t-to go to the hospital now." I cried. Maisie flung her arms around me and Caspar directed the driver to go to the hospital. I cried so hard, I just ruined my career. All by myself.

Caspar called Joe. "Joe something went wrong, we're heading to the hospital." Caspar said. "No, afterwards. We're in a taxi." Caspar said annoyed. "Just come to the hospital please." Caspar said.

As soon as we were at the hospital, Caspar paid the driver and we headed to the emergency room. The nurse told us to wait, but I was crying so hard that a doctor came pretty quick.

I tried to explain what happened and the doctor did some X-Ray tests. He told us to wait in the waiting room as he would look at the pictures.

Joe stormed in, followed by Maz and Sam. Ugh, why where they here? "You." Joe pointed furiously at Caspar. "You told you would protect her and here she is, sitting in the hospital for her hand!" Joe shouted.

I flinched. "Joe, it's not his fault. It's my fault." I said. Joe looked at me and then back at Caspar. He was shouting some insults at them that I won't repeat. I was getting angry. My boyfriend was blaming my best friend for hurting me while it was all me.

"Listen to me! It was my own fault. I ruined my own career!" I shouted at Joe. The whole waiting room was looking at me. "I-I'm so sorry Emma, Caspar." Joe mumbled. Joe sat down next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder I was so tired. Everything seemed to go well, then go bad, then I was happy again and this ruined it again.

This was my fate. Everyone's fate was already made, mine was being happy, bad luck, happy, bad luck. Why couldn't I just be happy all the time. No more complications.

The doctor came back. "Please follow me, miss Smith." The doctor said. Joe and Caspar followed too, leaving Maisie, Maz and Sam in the waiting room.

The doctor put my X-Ray photo on a headlight. I could see all my bones, everywhere were cracks and you could see my pins. It looked the same actually. The doctor put another photo up.

"Now, tell me which one is from a month ago and which one is from now?" The doctor asked. I stood up and inspected the photos. The left had multiple cracks, but the right one had more.

"I don't know doc, you tell me." I mumbled. Joe grabbed my good hand. "This one." He pointed to the left one. "Is from a month ago." The doctor said. "This one is from now. A pin has moved and there's another fracture. I'm sorry miss Smith, but I can do anything for you. The chance of you playing is now nothing. We can't operate your hand again, so the pin will never be on the good place." The doctor said.

I looked at Joe with big eyes. This wasn't happening. I just ruined my whole career. I just had to give up my dream. A tear leaked out of my eye. I just ruined my whole life.

I felt arms lifting me up. I didn't even care. I had nothing now, I just could go home. I mean, I was here for cello. I might as well go back to the Netherlands now.

"Emma!" Maisie said. I said nothing, but Joe carried me to his car. He put me in the passenger seat and waited for everyone to get in. We drove away. The others were asking what happened, but I wouldn't answer.

Once home, I just sat on my bed, looking at my cello. I was never going to sell it. I couldn't. It was my dream. I couldn't give it up. I didn't care what the doctor said. I just couldn't. I could feel Joe's arms around me.

"I'm so sorry Em. I never wanted this to happen." Joe said. He kissed one tear away. I looked at him. Another tear escaped from my eye. "God, Em. It's killing me to see you like this." Joe said.

That's when I broke, I don't know why, I just did. I cried in his shirt. I had lost half of my heart. It was all my fault.

All my fault.


OMG, I'm crying. I-I did it. I ruined Emma's life. I feel so bad. I didn't want to, but it's my story.

So, this is my longest chapter ever. This is exactly 4335 words, cool right.. I worked 7 hours straight on it, so don't complain...

vote and comment, really important for me.. like really... I don't think I'm even going to update without comments anymore....

check out my new fanfics:

The Summer Of A Lifetime: 5 Seconds Of Summer fanfic/ Luke Hemmings love story

It Was Just Work: One Direction Fanfic/ Niall Horan love story


updated: 17-12-13 17:51/ 05:51 PM (my time)

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