Quick Note

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I quickly want to say some things. First of all, I want to say thank you for reading my story.

Second of all, thank you for commenting! I love comments and I hope you all keep commenting.

At last, I want to remind you all that Emma is based on me. Most of the things I write about in the past, are real. If you have any questions about it, you can comment or PM me.

I want to say that what happened in Chapter 21, with Sawer and Emma leaving. It is how I would react. That thing about Sawyer.. I'm not really not really a Sawyer Hartman person... that's why Emma doesn't like him..

I hope I cleared some things up and I hope you are still enjoying my story and I hope you guys will keep voting and commenting I love to read all of your sweet messages.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!!

At home
21:33/09:33 PM (my time)

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