chapter 6

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I have been freaking out about my clothes, hair, and makeup for the past 3 hours. why am I acting like this? I mean this is just two friends getting lunch. or is it a date. oh lord I have no idea! Grace, Lauren, and Jewelya have been helping me get ready. after I filled them in of course.

"so what is his name?" asked grace

"OH what does his hair look like?" pestered Lauren

"can he sing" asked Jewelya

"ok so his name is Niall . . ."

"LIKE NIALL FROM ONE DIRECTION!?!?!?!?!?!" they screamed all at once

"hahaha yes, but please don't go all fangirly and mess things up for me. just act cool" I asked with pleading eyes

they all look at each other as if they were silently communicating.

"fine" grace said with a pout "on one condition!"

"ok you name it"

"you have to introduce us to the boys"

"well obviously! but only if I get Niall's permission."

they all jumped and screamed around like maniacs. I was enjoying watching this.

all of  a sudden the bell went off. OH DEAR!

"guys do I look okay???"

"yes!" they all said

ok good. I start walking towards the door but apparently I was to slow. next thing I know Grace, Lauren, and Jewelya run pass me to open the door. im getting off the floor as I hear their extremely high pitched squeals. of course they would do the one thing I told them not to do.

I roll my eyes as I make my way to the door.

"omg! we are such big fans!"

"well its nice to meet fans!" he said with his gorgeous  Irish accent. I just want to lock him in my room and keep him there forever.

"seriously guys. the one thing I tell you not to do, you go and do it! I am so sorry Niall. like I said they are huge fans."

'" its ok Jessica" he said as he starred at me with his beautiful blue orbs that are his eyes.

"this is Grace, Lauren, and Jewelya." I say as pointing to each one of them. they return a smile.

"nice to meet you ladies. mind if I take you stunning friend from you." he says and winks at me

"OF COURSE NOT!" they say while giggling like idiots.

"just make sure your home by 9 and no funny business mister." Grace said while giving Niall an intense stare.

"ok mom we are good" I say to her as I roll my eyes. "bye chicas! love you!"

next thing I know Niall's arm is around my shoulder directing me to his car. not trying to be cheesy but were he touched me started tingling! not a bad kind of tingling but the good kind were it makes you want to cuddle up with that person forever.

once we are at Niall's car my jaw practically hit the floor. his car is awesome! its a silver convertible with black designs and interior. like I said it was an awesome car.

anyway he unfortunately took his arm off my shoulder :'( and opened the door for me. what a gentleman. I got buckled as he got in the car. once we were on the road he put on the radio. of course a one direction song came on.

me being the fan I was started singing loudly to the song. I totally forgot that he was in the car until he started chuckling at me.

im such an idiot. I quickly shut up looked at my feet trying to hide the fact that I was blushing.

"Jessica I thought I told you not to hide your blush. its adorable."

oh my god! why did he have to say everything perfectly. its like he always knows when to say something. it's not fair! we finally reached Subway after 20 minutes.

we went in and I ordered my usual. a 6 inch on Italian bread with turkey, lettuce, black olives, cucumbers, and ranch. while Niall got his meatball sub.

we finished fast considering we both LOVED food.

after that we talked and joked around for a while. we got in the car and started driving home.

"um Niall you missed the turn to my house."

"I know" he said with a smirk on his face.

what was he thinking.

""so were are we going then"

"well your friend said we had to be back at 9 and its  only 6. I figured we have time so we can watch a movie at my house. is that okay with you?'"

"oh yah that's fine." I wonder what he's really up to. I can tell he's thinking and only telling me half of what is going on.

what's going on? am I missing something?

hey guys hope you like the new chapter!

im already working on the next chapter. but for now I hope the suspense builds up.

what's going on? what has Jessica gotten herself into?

love you lovelies!!! xoxoxox

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