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Tristan's P.O.V
I got a text from James at 10 pm.

Can you go see Brad? He's at his flat. I made him mad and.... He'll tell ya.

Yeah, definitely. Be there soon.

I got into my vehicle again. I drove the 5 minutes to Brad's flat in what seemed like ages. I got to his parking lot. I was figuring out what to say. I heard you were in trouble and..... No. I thought you might need.... No again. I was debating with myself until I got to his front door. I knocked fairly loud, but not firm. He came to the door in his boxers. His eyes were puffy and red. He was crying. A golden retriever came to the door but not outside. He just looked at me for about 20 seconds, as I did the same. He then quickly wrapped his arms around my neck. He started to cry softly on my shoulder. "Let's go inside," I said and followed him to his main area. I plopped onto his beanbag chair. "No," he sniffed. "Sit here." He opened up a spot on his couch for me. "Thank you." I slid onto the seat. "So James told me something was wrong and.... I thought.... Ya know." "Yeah." He forced a smile to his face. "Well I appreciate you coming here today." "Anything for a bandmate." He didn't know I wanted him to be more then just that....
He buried his head into my chest. "I'm sorry. It's just-" "It's ok. We all have days like this. We all have days we need a shoulder." He exhaled sharply. "I don't even know how I can explain it. But...." "Yeah?" "I really really love you. And I know we just met but...." That was all I needed to hear. I went in to kiss him. His lips were on fire, dancing against mine. Him just touching me gave me a rush. Blood pumped through my body as I forced myself to pull back a tad. We placed our foreheads together. "I love you too, Brad. More than the world." "I don't know how I can love someone I just met, but, I just felt a connection." "That's what I said too." He looked down at the dog that had made his way onto Brad's lap. He stroked the fur. "Now James is mad at me." I got him to look up at me. "He's ok with is now. I was talking to him, he said he messed up really bad. He said that he was being a jerk. He said that he's sorry, and wants to continue the band if you want to." "Well.... Of course I want to continue the band. It means the world to me. I know I was a jerk to him too, I hadn't came out yet. And I just want him to forgive me." He was looking down at the dog again, brushing his fur out. The dog looked content, like he had no idea on what was going on. He probably didn't, unless he was the kind of dog to read emotions. Brad had a mini smile on his face when the dog stood up to lick my face. He laughed lightly. "Jess won't hurt a fly." I laughed lightly, too. "Jess is a pretty name. What's it short for?" "Jesse." "Well, Jesse is adorable." I pet his back. "C'mere, girl!" She went and sat back on Brad's lap. "Good girl," he said and started to pet Jess again. "She's heavy," Brad laughed. "Really?" "Yeah, wanna hold her?" He laughed again. "I think I'm good," I laughed back. "Is it ok if I was to stay the night?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. "You don't have the option to stay the night. You are." He laughed and I laughed. "Good. You got a guest room or....?" I asked. He laughed. "You're sleeping in my bed. With me." I tingled. I felt like a million bucks, being bought out by the best boy in the world. Brad's phone buzzed.
From James
I'm sorry. So sorry. I was an ass, I need you to forgive me. And I hope we can be ok with the band. I hope you want to continue the band.

"I'm obviously going to continue the band," he told me. He grabbed his phone.

It's fine. Of course I want to continue the band. Meet at 11 at the corner store?"

"Do you wanna come out tomorrow? It's okay if you don't want to, I can wait." I didn't mind coming out tomorrow. Not one bit. I wanted Bradley. I didn't know if it was official, but by the way Brad was speaking, it sounded like we were. "I don't mind if you don't." "Ok. Tomorrow at 11?" "Sure." I looked at his curls, somehow blowing in the wind when there wasn't any. "I asked James. He said he'll meet us at the corner store at 11," he told me. I took a breath out. "So does this mean we're.... Ya know, together?" I boldly asked. He looked up at me and started to stutter. "I mean, if, if you want to be, I'd, I'd be good with that. I mean...." I cut into his sentence. "Would you like to be my boyfriend, Braddy?" "Of course." We smiled at each other. This was what I'd been waiting for.... A chance to be with him. I would not-could not mess this up. I had to be with him. He was my only hope.

                                  Brad's P.O.V
Life was happening fast. I had the boy I wanted, and I only knew him for a day. But he had tried to heal me, fix my imperfections. That was all I needed in someone. But nothing could actually be fixed in my life. I was too scarred. I was wondering how we got this far, I was just another boy without a car. We were still sitting on my couch. My eyes weren't red anymore, but my face was still a tad damp. We sat is silence, not saying a word until I interrupted. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked him. I looked up and he looked down at me. "Sure. What do you want to watch?" He asked me. "Your choice." "It's your television, babe. You pick a channel." I felt a tingling feeling inside. Babe. No one had ever called me that before, other than my old boyfriend, Daniel. Him and I never really had the connection that I feel Tris and I have, he was always the one in control. He would tell me to do something, and I would do it. He would threaten to break up with me if I didn't, and I needed his support. Although he never supported me, I still had hope for him and I. I didn't understand the concept of good boyfriends, so I kept thinking it was okay to date him. It wasn't, obviously, so when he broke up with me, I was devastated. And I hadn't dated anyone in 2 years. I had wanted to, but I just couldn't find the perfect guy. But now I had him. And even though I had just met him, I thought he could be somebody to me. And I hope I'll be somebody to him.
I flipped through the channels until I got to one that was playing The Lion King. He laughed. "This is like, my favourite movie." "Seriously? Me too!" He looked down. "Be warned, I've cried in this movie." He blushed. "Me too," I giggled. He looked adorable when he blushed. It started playing the started song. "I'm hungry," I said and pulled his arm to get him up. I opened my cupboard. "I literally have nothing to eat," I pouted. He looked up from behind me. He stepped on his tiptoes. He reached up and grabbed a bag of sour cream and onion crisps from the top shelf. He handed me the bag. I opened them. I sniffed the bag. It smelled of strong spices. I took one to pretend to examine it. I threw it at him. His jaw dropped open. "You didn't dare," Tris said quietly. "I did dare." "You're gonna pay," he said jokingly. He took a crisp as well and threw it back. We kept throwing back and forth, running around my house until we were beat and out of crisps. We collapsed in a pile of crisp powder and tiredness. I breathed out and yawned. "I'm tired," I complained. "Then let's go to bed," Tris said. I nestled my head into his chest and inhaled. I nodded. He laid us down on the couch. He was at the back of the couch, me at the edge. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, taking my hand and intertwining our fingers. "I love you, Brad." "I love you, Trissy."

Yoyoyoyo Tradleyinators✌🏻️👌🏻
Like my song references? I couldn't think of more than 2😂😂
So..... Turns out it'll be probably more daily than weekly😂😂
I'm watching Ghostbusters and I'm literally frightened....  It's not even supposed to be scary😛😅
Peace out and love Tradley😍😘

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