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~time skip to a year from now~

Brad's P.O.V

Our album, Meet The Vamps, has been a huge success. We have been touring the world, only something I'd dream of. I had always felt like this was my destiny, to sing and to travel. It's my dream job, and I got it. Not many people have that. And all of my hopes were kept high by one person. Tristan Evans, the love of my life.

"Are you sure you're ready for this, dude?" James asked me. Leave it to James to make me somehow even more paranoid then I already was. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, ignoring James' question. He placed a hand on my shoulder. "I can guarantee you're making the right decision," he said, trying to make me feel more calm. "Really? Because you just contradicted yourself there," I sighed and fixed my hair, with James standing close behind. "Okay, maybe I did. But I take the first one back. You and Tris are perfect for each other," James smiled at me as the door opened. "Brad?" Connor stuck his head in the door. "It's time."

We were at the beach. That's where we decided to get married, the beach Tris took me to way back when. I walked down the beach with sand in my toes, we decided we wouldn't wear shoes for the ceremony. I stood where I was rehearsed to and waited for Tris. I looked around to see my mom crying, my dad trying to comfort my mom while he was crying, and my sister intently watching me to see what'd happen. I heard a door creak open, and looked to the room he was coming out of. I grinned as I watched him walk down the isle, stopping where he was supposed to go. "We are gathered here today....."

"You may kiss your husband." We smashed our lips together, making the crowd cheer loudly. "I love you." "I love you more."

The end.

Sorry it was short!! But thank you guys all who have read this book! I hope you liked it! I feel like I'm gonna cry now tbh, I spent so much time into writing this book out on paper, then realized half of my parts didn't make sense. And thank you so much to those who have been supporting me from the beginning! Shout out to Mads and Anna, who probably aren't reading this right now and I'm too lazy to look them up. You guys have been with me and the idea for ages now! And thank you to all of my other friends for convincing me that this writing idea was good in the first place! If you didn't, I don't even know where I'd be now. So thanks to all those who read this far and thanks to all those who supported me. (Comment if you read all of this!)

(P.S if any of you like LMM/Hamilton I suggest you read my Dad? book. It'll be first in my books list!)

Keep calm and thank you, I love you!!😍❤️💗🖤💙💝💕😭😘

Tradley Evanson ~Shattered~Where stories live. Discover now