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Brad's P.O.V
I pulled Trissy's arm to take him to the place. "Come on!" I said as he slowly walked behind. "We're not gonna have any time left!" I finished. "We have 2 hours, Braddy. We're good on time." I pulled him into the nearby old Café, conveniently located on the other side of the mall. I pulled him into the short line up to order. I faced him. "Called it!" He said. "Called what?" "I knew we were coming here," he smirked. I whacked him in the arm with the back of my hand. "Ouch," he said dramatically and rubbed his arm. I turned around to face the till, looking at the amount of people in front of us. We had about 5 people in front of us. "Better kiss it better," he said. I spun around on my heel. I wrapped my arms around his neck and quick kissed him. "Better now?" "Much better." We smiled. "Next!" The man at the till called. I walked up to the front. "Hi, I would like 2 regular green teas and 2 creamy donuts. "That'll be £4." I grabbed my credit card from my back pocket. I held it out, but before I knew it, Trissy swiped down to grab it. He held it high up in the air so I couldn't reach it. I jumped to try and grab it, but it was no use. "It'll be on my card," Trissy said. The man working gave an odd look, but took it. I was still jumping when the cashier gave us the food and drinks. He finally handed me the card after we got to a booth. I stuck my tongue out at him. "You suck," he laughed. "Well, I couldn't let you pay," he said. "Yes you could!" "No. When you're that beautiful, you don't pay for anything." I blushed. He took my hand. "You're adorable when you blush." I blushed even harder then before. I looked down. He took a sip from his tea. "Have you tried the tea, love?" He asked me. "No, not yet," I looked up. He handed me my tea. "Thanks, mate," I said back. I took a sip. "Mm, that is good!" I said. "Try the donuts, they're delicious!" I told him. He took a bite. "Ew! What the hell!" He said. I laughed. "It's good, stop complaining." "No it's not!" He laughed. "You.... I can't eat this. I'm sorry." He walked to the garbage bin and threw it out in the trash. He wiped his mouth with his arm. I laughed. "It's good food." "NO!" "Ok, take you crap. We're going, we have to meet James in 20 minutes. He almost spit out his tea. "What? Let's go!" He started to the door. He opened it. "For you kind sir," he said. "Thank you, love," I said. There were a boy-girl couple behind us giving us looks. He must've saw it too, because he leaned down, tucked a curl in behind my ear, and whispered, "It's ok, baby. They just don't understand." He kissed my cheek. They speed walked past us. We gave each other a look after they left. We laughed. "Awe, jeez. Some people just don't get it," I said. We intertwined fingers and walked to his car. I got into the passengers seat, him in the drivers. "You sure I can't drive?" "You don't have your licence, Brad," he laughed. "Well I could. I could drive for you," I said. He rolled his eyes and started to drive. "You are something, Bradley Will Simpson. Really something." I tried to stop myself from blushing even more. "Well you're something too, Trissy. Really something," I said. We kept holding hands as we pulled into James' laneway. "So, we have to tell the new member, obviously," I said. "Yeah. James will bring it up eventually, though, I know," Trissy said. We walked outside of the vehicle. I quickly kissed him before we went in, knowing he would get nervous. "It's ok," I said. "It'll all work out fine." We went and knocked on his door. A short boy with brown hair answered the door. "Hey!" He said. "My name's Connor," he said. "Are you the new bassist?" I asked. "Yeppers!" He said and shook our hands. "I'm Brad. This is Tristan," I said. "Or Trissy, that's what I call him," I finished. He blushed. "Anyways, come in!" James called from the background. Connor backed up, and we walked in. "You got out of it," Trissy laughed. "Yes I did," James said. "So, do you want to practice?" He asked. "Sure," I said.

                                 Tristan's P.O.V
We got into Brad's house. He jumped into my arms. "We did it," he said. "We told him." I didn't see the big deal, but he did. Maybe it was from what had happened? Of course it was from what happened. I just squeezed him back. "We did." He looked into my eyes. "Someone accepts me." I kissed him. I tucked a hair behind his ear. "Anyone who wouldn't is a dumbass." He blushed. "I would say the same with you." It was my turn to blush. "Guess what?" He asked. "What?" "I'm tired." "Then let's watch a movie!" I grabbed his hand. "Come on! What movies do you have?" I asked. He pulled the Lion King from his shelf. "This is like, the best movie." "I know, right?" I said. He pulled me onto his bed and popped in the dvd. He snuggled up against my chest. He used the remote to press the play button. The start music started to play. I stroked his hair. "You're really something, Trissy." I blushed. "You and I are crazy," I said. "Why, thank you," he said back. "What time is it?" He asked. "7 pm." We had a really long practice, not to mention all the fooling around we did. "Seriously?!" "Seriously." "Well, I'm gonna sleep." "You can't sleep now! We just got back. Don't you wanna stay up for the movie?" "No, I just wanna snuggle." "You're a charm, you know that?" "Yeah." He snuggles even tighter to me. I squeezed him. He yawned. "You're gonna fall asleep in my arms, aren't you?" I asked him. "Yep," he smiled. He closed his eyes and fell asleep in my arms. I fell asleep as well, there was nothing else for me to do. "G'night, my angel."

Hey Tradleyinators😝😛
So I'm really sorry I didn't update in a while..
I had to work from 7:30 am until 3:00 pm☹️😫
Anyways.... At least I updated in a few days💛💜
Keep calm and Tradley💙❤️

Tradley Evanson ~Shattered~Where stories live. Discover now