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😂P.S. I'm sorry for the random photo here😂

Tristan's P.O.V
I pulled into the parking lot of what was the restaurant Brad had been dying to go to ever since it opened. The Grey Sky was a fancy sit in restaurant opened a year ago. Brad looked out the window and gasped. He placed his hand over his mouth and his eyes lit up. I grinned. "Oh my gosh." I pulled into the parking spot closest to us. He looked at me. "I.... I can't let you pay for this." "Yes you can, and you will." "Babe.... How did you know?" "I had a feeling. He opened his door, ran around and opened my door. He pulled me up and out and kissed me quickly. "Thank you," he said and hopped onto my back unexpectedly. We both laughed. He wrapped his arms around my neck. He kissed my hair, took one hand off and ruffled my hair. "I love you," I said. "I love you more." His breath tickled my neck in the cold hair. "Let's go in, Mr.Simpson." He hopped off of my back. We connected fingers and walked to the door. "Mr. and Mr.Evans," I said and pulled out my ID. He looked at me and made a dramatic shocked face. "You seriously put my name as Evans?" He laughed. "Yes," I laughed too. We walked in and followed a server to a table for two, right beside a giant fish tank. A happy girl approached us. "Hi, my name is Natalie and.... Brad?" "Nat?" I looked at the two of them. I felt a little scared, maybe she was a girlfriend? I knew he dated guys, but you never know.... "Trissy, this is my sister, Nat. Nat, meet my boyfriend, Tristan." "Well, hello Tristan. Make sure you treat my baby brother right," she winked. "Nat!" "What do you boys want to drink," Nat asked like Brad hadn't said anything. "I'll get a water. You?" I asked him.


"Same with me." "I'll be right back!" She skipped away. "Sisters." "Trust me, I understand." He giggled and took my hand. "You're something. That something is the love of my life." I blushed. "Jeez, you really know how to make me blush," I said and looked into his eyes. "I could say the same with you," he giggled even more. Nat came with our drinks. "You're suspiciously fast," Brad said and laughed. "Shut up. Anyways, what does my brother and his other want to eat?" I looked at him again. "Get anything." "No." "Yes." "Fine, I'll take the sliders with onions and mushrooms." "Onions are fried," Nat finished for him. "He'll take the same," Brad laughed. I laughed too. "I'll bring it to you love bugs as soon as possible," Nat winked. She skipped away. "Ok, how did you know?" "I just did." We both laughed again. My cheeks burned from laughter. I honestly didn't care though. He was happy and I was happy. That was all that mattered. We calmed down and relief flowed through my cheeks. The red turned to pink, then to normal colour. Then, it flushed. I saw my ex, Kelly sashaying to our table, evil look on her face.

Brad's P.O.V
His face fell. He looked like he could cry. "Anything wrong, babe?" I grabbed his hand. "No, it's all good." I hoped so. A tall girl with long blonde hair squished beside Trissy. "Hey Tris!" She said exitedly. I could feel my face drop, but I picked it back up again. "Kelly, we're not together anymore. That was months ago." Relief flowed through me. "I wanna talk to you," she whined. "Can I?" He asked me. "Yeah, go," I said and forced a fake smile on my face. He left, so I allowed my face to drop. Just another messed up date. Keep it together Brad, they're just chatting. I looked up at them. They were chatting. I looked down at the utensils. I could see myself through the knife. I fluffed my messy brown curls. I looked up one more time. They were kissing.

I couldn't help but leave. I stopped to look at his face one more time. He looked back and was red as a tomato. I had no other option but to run. Out. I was heavily breathing, I couldn't find my breath. A tear rolled down my cheek as I ran down the empty streets of the newly paved sidewalk. I burst. I was trying to run after gulps of tears. I could hear him yelling behind me. I kept running until I got to my flat. I ran in, slammed the door and locked it. I slid to the ground and bawled. He said I could trust him. He said he wouldn't let anything like this happened again. I could've probably reacted another way. But everything with us was going so well. I thought that he could be the one. I knew that is was just a kiss, but 1 kiss always meant something more. To us, one kiss was like a million words. And he was using his to talk to Kelly. There were knocks on my door. "Open up," he said loudly. I could tell by his voice he was crying. "Go away," I sobbed. "You don't understand, we need to talk. You need to know that...." I stood up and swung open the door. "No. You have to know that I trusted you. I put my life in your hands. You said that you would never betray me." I took a shaky deep breath in. "I know I could've handed this differently, but I'm just so mad! I was right, I am shattered. So please, do yourself a favour and leave." I slammed the door and slid to the same place I was before. Tears spilled down my face as I heard him run away.

Tristan's P.O.V
Self Harm
I tried to hold back from bawling as I ran back to my flat. I had the spare key. I needed to straighten things up, even if he didn't want me to. I didn't kiss her, she kissed me. I tried to pull back. I didn't think that he handled it wrong. I thought that if the same thing happened to me, I would've reacted the same way. I swear that Kelly tried to hurt Brad and I's relationship. She even had a boyfriend! I never even actually liked her. She was my boss, I needed to date her or else she would fire me. I got to my flat and searched for the key. It couldn't be far away. I knew it wasn't in the key drawer. The mess on the kitchen counter? Probably. I needed them badly. I didn't have time for an emotional breakdown. I just needed to calm down, and to talk to Brad. I dug through a pile of abandoned mail. "There it is!" I yelled to myself. A rush of relief flowed through my veins. But I knew the hard part would be getting Brad to listen. I as fast as possible grabbed a sweater and locked the door. I had to get Brad to listen somehow. I did have something, but it wouldn't work. I ran over to his flat. I unlocked his door to find Brad sleeping on the floor with a razor in his one hand. There was blood coming out of his other wrist.

"No. Brad. Wake up. Please. Bradley," I sobbed and repeated it over and over again and shook him. It was no use, but I tried anyways. I lifted him off the ground and lay him on his bed. I gently lay my head on his chest. "It's all my fault," I whisper-cried. I stayed there for a couple of minutes and then got up to grab a tissue to wipe off his wrist. I first took the razor out of his hand and placed it in my other hand. I squeezed his hand for a second. It would not be the last time. I jogged into the bathroom, set down the razor and grabbed some toilet paper. I walked back in. He was sitting up, examining his wrists. "Oh my gosh, you're ok!" I yelled. I went to hug him before he pushed me away. "What.... How did you get in here?" He growled. "I had a key. I need to talk to you. But first, give me your wrist. "Why should I give you my wrist?" He said before giving up and laying it in my hand. I gently rubbed his wrist with the paper towel. "You have to know that she kissed me, not me kissing her. I pulled away, Bradley. I don't want her. I want you and only you. I've never really loved anyone else like I love you. And I'm so sorry. I never should've even made eye contact with her." My breath was shaky. "I know I've only known you for a while, but...." I grabbed a ring a ling from the bag conveniently placed beside his bed. "Bradley William Simpson, will you please...." He squeezed me so tight I could stop breathing. He was crying. My shirt was getting damp, but I didn't give a care. "Yes," he managed to croak out. I started crying too. I finally had him forever.

Hay Tradleyinators💘😛
Sorry for the random picture at the top.... I love that show💙❤️ This one was pretty dramatic😂😂 Thaaaaaanks for looking❣💖
Credits to writinganna1590 for helping me with this chapter😊💓
Keep calm and keep reading🇬🇧💞

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