5:no what have i done

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Piper's pov

I slam the door really hard behind me tears streaming down my face I sit down by the wall out side of Shanes house and a car pulls up and Shanes step mum comes out the car and sees me and says "hay piper what is the matter!" I look at her and say "hi you know Elly Shanes new girlfriend she has been bulling me since year 7 and I saw her and I realised who she was and I told Shane but then she told Shane that I had been bulling her when I hadn't and Shane doesn't believe me and he had a go at me and said that he can't stand the sight of me and he never wants to see me again when I did nothing and I never have I  am just so upset I love Shane" she looks at me and smiles "you love shane?" I look at her and think did I really just say that "yah maybe but don't tell him" she smiles and it makes me cheer up a bit "he does to he said he did but you probably don't so he is dating Elly to get his mind of of you and he says that he doesn't anymore but I know he does because I and his dad can see through his act" I smile but say "why would he shout at me then and blame my for doing something" she frowns and says "he is probably doing it to cover up for loving you and I know that deep down no not even deep down I know he knows you didn't do anything" I smile "ok I guess" she smiles and says "hay I will go and talk to him ok and you stay here and I will come and speak to you" I smile "ok" she walks inside and I cheer up a bit thinking Shane might love me.

Shanes Pov

I can't believe I just shouted at her I feel so bad "Elly I'm just going to go to the loo" she looks at me and smiles and says "ok well I might go home now I will see you later ok" "ok" i say back now looking at her I do believe piper I believe that Elly has been bulling her I feel so bad I hear the door close so I crash onto the sofa and get so angry at myself and have a few tears rolling down my face.  I then at that moment realise that I am still in love with piper. I then hear the door open oh no what if it is Elly I wipe my tears and sit up I see that it is my step mum "Shane have you been crying to" I look at her and she smiles "what do you mean too" I asked her and she says "I saw piper outside and she has been crying she is really upset that you have accused her for bulling elly" I look at her and say "I know she didn't but I said it it slipped out and now she will never love me I love her so much but she will never love me" she smiles at me and says "she just said she loved you but don't tell her I told you ok" I smile and light up. I can't believe it aggggghhhhh "omg really" I look at piper out the window and smile "yah she does" I light up so much "ahhhhh woooooo" I say jumping up and down "right anyway I'm going to go out and speak to her" my step mum says i look at her and smile.

She walks out if the front door and I watch her go to piper and piper looks round at me omfg her just her!

Piper Pov

Shanes step mum walks out and smiles at me so I look round and I see Shanes blotchy face but smiling and looking at me. Shanes step mum says to me "I went into the house and Shane was broken he was crying and he was to upset but i talked to him and he says he is so sorry and don't tell him I told you but he said he only said that to you because he is trying to get over you because he doesn't think that you like him but I know you do" I smile "I can't believe that he likes me I have never had that before someone who I like who likes me in that way" she smiles and says "I bet you have but I know Shane is the one for you I will get him to come out to you and talk" I smile and she goes in and then Shane comes out "hay" I say and he smiles "hi" we stand there in silence for a bit I don't know what to do after finding out that he likes me I have no clue what to do i get so scared and my belly tightens and my mouth goes dry "piper I am so sorry I didn't mean to I'm really really sorry" I smile and pull him into a hug "it's ok" I say "I'm really really really really really really really sorry" he says "it's ok don't worry" I pull away and he smiles "anyway I better go home" he smiles and says "hay i will drive you.

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