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Piper Pov

Today has been the worst day ever!! Let's go back to this morning....

Ughhhhhhhhh I have to go to school today and I have to get there early because I have a study session first thing as I am in year 11 and I have to do my GCSEs in a few weeks so it's a struggle but I manage to get out of bed. I walk down the hall and go to the toilet then I go downstairs and let my dog out. I decide not to have breakfast and instead get it from school, I get dressed and get my bag packed, Then I get in the car to go to school.

As soon as I get out the car I get abuse shouted at me dont worry this happens to me all the time as no one liked me. They call me things like 4 eyes, tramp, clown, bitch. Then they tell me to go look in a mirror and go kill my self and things like that but I don't take any notice anymore because that is what I get told every day since year 7 so I have just learned to ignore it but today was different because there was the same girl who has been doing it since year 7 but today she got physical and very nasty.

I walk to go get some breakfast and she is there she is stood by the door and won't let me through I have asked her lots of times to let me through I dont know why she doesn't this to me I don't even know her name but I know she is horrible.

After standing there for about half and half she finally let's me through but as i go through the door she trips me over and I fall flat on my face ripping my skirt and then she steps on me and squishes my back I get up but I'm now in pain she is so heavy. I grab my breakfast and run to my study session luckily the teacher is late so at least one thing has been ok today.

After 2 hours of full on studying I go to my form room and guess who I see on the way she decides to come over and slap me round the face and I just walk away i can't stand this anymore I have to speak to someone but I don't have any friends apart from Nicky  but she isn't here today the one day I need her the most so I decide to text Shane yes I have his number it is because we are good friends.

P. Hi Shane I Need you pls

S. Hi piper what is up

P. I'm being bullied it has been happening since year 7 but today it just got physical and very nasty


P. They tripped me over and I face planted the floor and then walked on my back. Then when I was going to form they came up to me and slapped me.


p. No Shane pls I'm just upset and I have no friends and I just need you rn

S. I need you too I need to see you

P. Same

S. Do you want me to pick you up and we can talk

P. Yes pls otherwise I'm walking

S. K but Elly will be there is that OK

P. Yes I want to finally meet this Elly

S.k pick you up later

P. Ok bye

S. Bye you will be ok yah

P. Yes I think so

S. Ok see you soon. 

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