Chapter 1

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I walked to first period, Literature, my favorite class. When I got there, the classroom was empty, excluding the teacher and a mysterious figure in the back. The person in the back had a pair of black jeans on, holes on the knees; a band t-shirt, Blink-182; blank vans on his feet; and a black beanie to top it off. He slouched in the chair, with headphones on, and I could hear the music all the way up in the front of the room, screamo. As people filed into the class room, I realized that I was staring, so I quickly took my seat in the front of the room. The class started and ended in a flash. I leaned over to grab my bag, and when I stood up, he was standing there, in my face.

"I saw you looking at me." He said with an Australian accent. 

"Oh, uh, s-sorry." He scanned my body and I picked my shirt up to cover my chest better, and pulled my skirt down, insecurely. I clutched my books in front of my body so he couldn't look at me anymore.

"What's your name?" He said sternly The classroom was empty, just the two of us now.

"S-Scarlett..." I said, looking at the floor. He put his hand on my chin and pulled my head up. I looked at his face and saw that he had snake bites and his ears pierced.

"Well, Scarlett," He said with a smirk, "I'm Calum and I think you should show me around sometime." He winked at me, then walked out the door. The rest of the day I didn't see him, but I couldn't get him out of my mind. Just the thought of him made me shiver. I keep feeling his rough hands on my chin, picking up my face. And his brown eyes, piercing mine. I don't know how I feel about him yet, but I guess it couldn't do much harm to just show him around. That night at dinner, both my parents were home, shockingly. Dad got a new job and was there constantly, and Mom works night shifts, and sleeps all day.

"So how was your day?" Mom asked, scooping a forkful of potatoes into her mouth.

"Fine," I said, "I got a 98 on my math test."

"Tell em about the new kid." My older brother, Alex said. Alex was a senior now, and he now doesn't associate with anyone who's not a senior.

"Why don't you?" I said.

" Because he's a Junior, like you." Alex said, gulping his iced tea, then slamming the cup down on the table, "Seniors don't talk to anyone who isn't a senior." 

"Whatever," I said under my breath, "So, there's this new kid. He's in my Literature class, I think he's from Australia. He seems pretty uh..." I tried the words to say, "different than everyone else."

"Different how?" My mom asked.

"Is he gay?" My dad asked quickly.

"No dad, he's not gay, and even if he was... would there be a problem with that?" I argued.

"No. Not at all. So how is he different?" 

"He has piercings, and he seems punkish." I said. 

"I don't want you around him, " my mom said pursing her lips, "those punk skater boys are trouble." 

"you don't even know him mom." I yelled a bit. My mom was taken back, as I rarely argue with her.

"And you know him well?" My mom argued back.

"Well, no. But I'm going to show him around the school tomorrow and there's nothing you can do to stop me." I said, then stood up from the table and walked to my room. I heard them whispering about me through the vent in my room, I would usually be upset by it, but I'm used to it by now. The next day after school, I stayed and showed Calum around.

"So," I said walking into the science wing, "This is the science wing. Lots of crazy thongs happen over here. Once, Mr.Drupo set himself on fire while working with Bunsen burners."

"That's crazy." He said, smiling a bit.  I took him down to the math wing, then to the business hall. I showed him around the cafeteria and media center, then music wing.

"The music wing is my favorite." I smiled, "I am in the choir, band, and drama."

"Cool," he said looking around, "I'm in a band ya know."

"Really? What's it called?"

"Well, there's no official name yet, but my dudes back in Australia and I started it." His phone vibrated and he picked it up, quickly typing, then he shoved in in his back pocket.

"There's a show tonight, at the Camden House. You wanna come?" He stared into my eyes, his were a beautiful brown.

"Uh, sure." I smiled.

"I'll pick you up round 9?" He smiled.

"Sure." I replied.

"See ya tonight Scar." He said, then winked, and walked away.

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