Chapter 5

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The next day in school was odd. I stated over at Calum's place again. Today I wore his Green Day shirt. We drove to school together but didn't spend much of the day together. In the morning we had no classes together so we didn't talk then, not even a text was sent between us. Third period I sat in in study hall with my headphones in. I was working on my math work when someone grabbed my shoulders. I think I jumped at least ten feet in the air.

"What the hell Scarlette!" The person said and I recognized it as Alex, "You can't just leave and stay out all weekend without telling anyone! Did you get our calls? Mom, Dad, and I were so worried! Where were you?"

"I was with Calum." I simply replied.

"What about James? Oh, yeah, what about James. I came home and he was pasted out on your floor with a broken nose!" Alex was yelling and the librarian yelled at him to be quiet.

"Alex," I said, "James deserved it."


"Because he tried to rape her, stupid." said Calum who just walked in.

"What? No, that's a lie. He said he was helping Scarlette hang up a picture and he fell."

"Lame ass excuse for a lame ass guy." Calum scoffed, "I beat his ass when I saw what he was doing to Scar." I looked up at Calum and Alex. There was so much tension between them, I'm pretty sure the crotchety old librarian felt it because she looked over then left the room. The two of them didn't say anything for what felt like forever until Alex broke the silence.

"You beat someone up for Scarlette?"

"Yeah." Calum simply replied.


"Because I love her. I'd do anything for her. I promised her that I'd be her hero anyday and when I make a promise, I don't break it. Ever." He looked at me and squeezed my hand.

"Thank you." Alex said, "I understand that you may 'love' her, but you've only met a few says ago. I appriciate that you want to be her hero or whatever but I don't want you to be with her or around her."

"Why?" Calum said sternly, "What did I do?"

"Nothing... yet." Alex said, then he grabbed my arm, "You're going to sign out of school and Im taking you home to Mom and Dad." I used to love how I could sin out of school if I had study hall for the last period of the day if we had an excuse, I hate it now. He dragged me to the office and he took out a fake note from my parents saying we ahd a dentist appointment and I signed out and so did he. We walked to his car and drove home. When Alex opened the door my parents were sitting on the couch, looking very mad.

"Sit." Was all my dad said. I sat down on the loveseat across from the two of them, "Where were you?"

"With my boyfriend, Calum." I said, sitting with my arms crossed.

"Boyfriend? Calum? Isn't that the boy I told you to stay away from?" My mom asked shocked.

"Yes it is."

"And you're disobeying me?" My mom said putting her hand to her chest as if she was so offended that she was having heart palpitations.

"Disobeying?" I asked, "What, so now I'm a dog? People say that their dogs disobey them not their kids." My dad put his hand around mom and looked at me with disgust in his eyes. I've never seen him like that before.

"First of all, don't talk to your mother like that. Second of all, I forbid that you see that boy from now on. And if I hear that you two are together I will kick you out of the house."

"Kick me out?" I asked, "I don't think thats a good enough punishment for me having a boyfriend! I think you should behead me!" I laughed sarcastically, "Or even better, burn me alive!" I sat back down extremley pissed off now. Alex stood in the corner and my parents sat across from me. I could tell that they were mad, no, more than mad. They were furious.

"Scarlette," Alex said, "Why do you even like this guy?"

"You don't understand do you?" I laughed, "He makes me feel, alive! I've always lived this sheltered life and it gets so boring you know?! I can't do anything without having someone in this family putting thier two cents in. I'm constasntly judged for not being a perfect little girl. I hate that! I hate it all!" I grabbed my bag that was next to the seat and went up to my room. No one argued with me or followed me up there. I slammed my door shut and put my headphones on. I played Of Mice & Men's new album Restoring Force. Calum introduced me to the band this morning and I really like them. I opened my closet and grabbed my medium sized black suitcase out from the back. The last time I used it was in 8th grade when the grade went to Washington D.C. I threw it on my bed as 'Public Service Announcement' blasted through my headphones. I opened it and there was a tiny sheet of paper tucked inbetween the flaps. I pulled it out and read it.

        'Scarlette, if you're reading this there is $50 I hid under the carpet on the left side of the closet. If it isn't Scarlette reading this, ignore what I just wrote. -Scarlette, 8th grade.'

I put the note down and laughed at my old self. I walked over to the left side of the closet. I noticed the loose carpet in the back. As I pulled it up a bit I saw an envolope. I pulled it out and put the carpet back. Once I peeled open the envolope I saw the $50. I shoved it in my pocket and thanked my past self. Once I did that, I threw a bunch of clothes, makeup, and a bunch of other things that I would need. I took out my headphones and called Calum.

        "Hello?" He asked when he answered the phone.

"Calum, hey, its Scarlette... I need a favor." 

        "Anything you need, I'll do it." 

"I'm running away. I need help doing it."

        "What do you mean youre running away?" 

"I mean that Im sick and tired of being under my parents control and Im running away."

        "What about school?"

"I don't care anymore... I'll drop out." 

        "Are you sure?"

"Positive. Be here at 1 in the morning, alright?" 

        "Alright. Love you." 

"Love you too." I said, then I hung up and waited for Calum.

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