Chapter 7

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Its been a week since Calum and I have been working and staying at the hotel. I've been working as a waitress at the hotel's restaurant and Calum worked as a bell hop. I laid on the bed and stared up at the white ceiling. I hate it here. Calum walked through the door way and laid next to me. 

        "Scar," he said, turning so that he could face me, "Are you alright?"

"Honestly," I sighed, "no." I sat up and Calum did too. He cuddled close to me and tried to grab my hand but I pulled it away, "Do you really thing running away was the best decision, Calum?" 

        " I mean, we didn't exactly 'run away'. We just," he paused for a quick second to think, "we just took a vacation." 

        "But if we go home, my parents are going to kill me and I know that they will not want me back in that house..."

        "Stay with me then." He said instantly. I looked over at him. He was wearing a gray hoodie with black sleeves, and a black beanie. Calum looked so calm as he stared into my eyes, "Im serious. Stay with me."

        "What about your host family. I don't think they'd approve of the exchange student inviting a girl to live with them."

        "Well, I don't think they'll be back for another week and I'll figure out something by then."

"But Calum..." I said, "Theres so much that I fucked up by doing all of this, I feel like it would be more trouble to go back..." 

        "I know you want to go back Scar, you miss everyone. Alex, Riley, your parents..." I thought about all of them. He was right, I do miss them. I do want to go back. "Want to leave tomorrow?" 

        "No," I said jumping up from the bed, "tonight." I grabbed my bag out of the closet and started packing. Calum stood up from the bed and grabbed his bag and placed it down. He opened it up and I noticed a yellow plastic bag.

        "Whats in there?" I asked. He looked at me with a smile on his face that I couldn't explain. He then walked over to me and engulfed me in a massive hug, "You'll find out one day." He said into my ear, then he winked and packed up his things. I was going to ask more but I just wanted to get finsihed packing and leave. Around 10 o'clock we left the hotel, going out the side door so none of the other employees saw us. Calum and I drove around for a bit, it was beautiful. The bright lights from building reflected off of puddles on the ground. Taxies painted the streets yellow as they wizzed by. I used to thing the city was amazing during the day but it is much better at night. We pulled up to a park and stopped.

        "What are we here?" I asked.

"Well I wanted to stop for a bit before the drive home." He smiled and climbed out, then went to the trunk and grabbed out a guitar case. 

        "You're bringing your guitar?"

"Yeh," he smiled, "follow me." We walked through the park to a skate park. It was empty and oddly quiet. We walked in and Calum ran up and onto the top of a ramp. I tried to get up but failed completley. My second try, I ran and when I was almost at the top Calum grabbed my hands and pulled me up. I landed on top of him and we broke out into a fit of laughter that echoed throughout the skatepark, "Okay, we will work on that next time."

        "After you teach me how to skate?"

"Yes," he laughed. Calum grabbed his guitar from its case and started strumming as our feet dangled down the ramp. I shivered and he stopped playing and gave me his hoodie. I love wearing his clothes, theyre big and warm and smeel like him, when I wear them I feel safe. 

        "So, uhm, Scar..." He said looking into my eyes, "I wrote something and I want you to hear it..." He started strumming, then he sang, "Even when the sky is falling down; even when the Earth is crumbling 'round my feet..." He played the guitar beautifully and sang even better. I was amazed. He stopped playing, "I know its not that great but-" I cut him off and pulled him into a hug. His arms were so strong around my body.

        "Calum, that was amazing! I can't even explain how great it was." He had a huge smile on his face, "We need to get you discovered, you could go far." 

        "That's the plan, I just need more work and my friends back in Australia need to be in it too. Its a work in progress." 

        "Well you're amazing." I said and he kissed my cheek. 

"Lets go home now."        

        "Gladly." I said and I held his hand in mine as we walked back to the car. The drive home was quick. It dosen't take long to get from New York to New Jersey. It was sad leaving the city to go back to a small town. We pulled up to Calum's place and al the lights were off, as expected. It was around 1am and I was tired. I got out of the car and slammed the door shut. We didn't bother to get our bags from the car and we just went inside. I followed Calum up to his bedroom and went in. Everything was the same as it was last time, except for one thing. There was a picture in one of the frames on the wall. I walked over to it and it was a picture of me sleeping.

        "Calum," I said, "Where did you get this picture?" 

"It was from the first night you stayed here. I thought you were so beautiful and peaceful while sleeping so I decided to take a picture and hang it up." I went over and hugged Calum, "I love you." he said.

        "I love you too, Calum." I said. Calum went into his dresser and got me a pair of sweat pants to wear. I went into the bathroom to change and when I came back he was already asleep laying down. I went and laid down next to him. He rolled over and wrapped me in his arms. 

        "Goodnight." I said quietly.

"Night, Scar. Love you." Calum said, then he kissed me behind my ear and I fell asleep in his arms.


Hi guys, I'm so sorry it took so long to update! I had work at a camp for 3 weeks then I had to do mini camp for color guard and then mONDAY MY MOM SURPRISED ME WITH WWA TICKETS And it has just been a crazy time. So question time:

What do you think is in the bag? 

What do you think of Calum and Scar going home?

How do you think Calum's host family will react to Scar being there?

Also, first person to guess the song gets the next chapter dedicated to them! "This is not, what it is only baby scars. I need your love, like a boy needs his mothers side."

Please Share/Vote/Comment ily guyssss

-Samantha (@marvelnixll on twitter)


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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