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I walk into the bedroom and the locked door wasn't locked anymore. I slowly walk towards the door and I grab the doorknob and I open it. I step inside and turn on a light. "Holy shit." I say looking inside of the closet.

The closet is full of picture of me. Pictures of everything I was doing. Eating, sleeping, walking. Pictures of me with Stiles with his face pasted onto Stiles'. Pictures of me everywhere. A hear a noise come from behind me. I quickly turn around to see Jackson standing there.

"So,you saw my closet."he said. I back away from him slowly. "What the hell is this? Why do have this? Have you been stalking me?" I ask. He shakes his head stepping towards me. "No. No, I haven't been stalking you! I thought you would like it." he says making me scoff.

"Like it? It's a room full of me! Pictures of me! Pictures of me doing everything! When did you even take this one?" I say pointing to a picture of me sleeping:

"Like it? It's a room full of me! Pictures of me! Pictures of me doing everything! When did you even take this one?" I say pointing to a picture of me sleeping:

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"Well,I-" he begins. But I really didn't want to know. "I have to leave. I-I have to go."I say. I walk towards the front door when I feel his hand grab my arm. He pulls me towards him.

"Lydia,don't leave me! I thought you loved me!" he said. I shake my head. "I didn't. I just said I did. I really don't love you!"I yell at him. He clenches his jaw and turns red. He brings me to the kitchen and throws me against the stove.

"So what are you going to do now? Go back to Stiles? Well, I don't think you can. He's engaged." he says walking towards me. He picks up the toaster and throws it against the wall. It breaks into a million little pieces. He makes a fist and walks towards me. I quickly grab a frying pan and hit him hard across the head.

He falls to the floor knocked out and I run to my car. I drive home. I don't know what I was going to do after I got there but I knew I had to get a restraining order.

When I get to my house I see someone knocking on my door. I quickly get out of the car and look at them. And it was Stiles. He turns around to look at me. He looks at me and takes small steps towards me. He noticed that I was crying and he asked me if I was alright. Without thinking, I run up to him and jump in his arms. I kiss him deeply and he kisses me back. He runs his long fingers through my hair and moans against my lips. We eventually break the kiss and I realize he has a girlfriend. Well, fiancé, I guess.

"Oh,shoot. I'm sorry I forgot about you girlfriend."I say. He smirks not letting go of me. "We broke up." he says. I look into his eyes. "What?"I ask tying not to sound so happy. His smirk turns into a big smile. "After I hung up, I went back and I saw her sleeping with this guy who turned out to be the father. So, I just left."he says. I smile and kiss him again. And I couldn't have been more happy.
the story is gonna end soon
like 3 chapters left
i want to watch deepwater horizon again
but im broke so rip me 2016

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