Twice The Love, Twice The Hate. I Just Had To Fall For Twins. {8}

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                                                                                ***Shane’s POV***

                I groaned and rolled over. “Ouch!” My body hit the floor with a loud “thump” and I groaned again. “Shane? You alright?” Shawn asked sleepily, slowly sitting up and clutching his head.

                “Boys?” mom cried and ran into the room. Her eyes found my body on the floor and she sighed. “Honestly Shane! Are you alright?” I got up and nodded before crawling back into bed.

                She put her hands on her hips. “I’m disappointed in both of you. You should never drink. You’re underage and it’s terrible for you.”

                I could easily tell Shawn was annoyed. “Shut up,” he growled. “Dad did it when he was our age.” Mom glared at Shawn. “And look at him now!” she cried. “You better not be insulting my dad,” Shawn snapped. I remained silent. I hated it when they fought like this.

                “I’m not insulting him Shawn! I’m pointing out that he’s clearly not alright!” Shawn glared. “It’s your fault! You’re always bitching at him.” “Excuse me?!” mom cried angrily. “You are so grounded Shawn!” “Oh, like you never went to a party when you were our age. Didn’t you get knocked up with us at a party?”

                Shawn was taking this way too far. I pulled the covers up over my head and squeezed my eyes shut. “GROUNDED!” mom roared. Our bedroom door slammed and I kept my eyes closed.

                “You alright Shane?”

                “Yea Shawn,” I whispered. I felt him crawling down to my bed. He pulled the covers away and wrapped his arms around me. “Sorry Shane. I just don’t like it when she insults dad.” I bit my lip. “She wasn’t really insulting dad. She was just pointing out his problems.”

                “Dad doesn’t have problems!” Shawn snapped. Guilt instantly hit his face. “I’m sorry Shane. I didn’t mean to…” His voice trailed off and I shrugged. “It’s alright.”

                He sighed and got up. “Guess we should go get breakfast?” I nodded and he pulled me to my feet. We went down to the kitchen. Mom was down there and she glared at Shawn. Shawn ignored her and he and I made waffles together.

                We ate in silence, our heads pounding violently. We got up to go back to our room. “Shane, please stay here. I need to talk to you,” mom said calmly. Shawn glared at her before glancing at me.

                He went upstairs and I went and sat with mom. “Yea?” I asked nervously. She sighed. “You never drink Shane. Why did you do it?” I nervously played with my lip ring. “Um…I’m sorry mom,” I whispered. “I just…I don’t know. I went with my friends and just started drinking, I guess.” What a terrible answer.

                She sighed sadly. “Please don’t do that Shane. I really don’t want you boys to end up like your father,” she said quietly. “I won’t mom,” I whispered. I didn’t want to be like my dad. Not like that. His addictions and problems were things I could live without.

                She smiled and I gulped. “Uh…mom?” “Yes dear?” I sighed. “Um…that girl, Luna…I really like her,” I said at last. “Aw Shane!” she squealed. I shook my head. I knew I could trust my mom with this. I couldn’t tell this to Shawn. He would be so upset.

                “But Shawn likes her too.” She frowned. “Well, whoever she likes is up to her. You boys can’t let a girl come between you. You’re far too close to let that happen. If she likes you, she likes you. If she likes Shawn, she likes Shawn. If she only thinks of you two as friends than that’s that.”

                I smiled softly. “Thanks mom.” “Anytime Shane,” she said with a bright smile. I went up to our room and sat down with Shawn. “What did the bitch want?” he asked. I frowned deeply. “Shawn, she’s not a bitch. She’s our mom. She went through a lot to raise us,” I said defensively. “Whatever. What did she want?”

                I sighed. “She just wanted me not to drink.” There was a knock on our bedroom door and then Type entered. “You guys as hung over as I am?” he asked miserably. We nodded and he sat with us.              

                “So which one of you was it?” he asked, excitement entering his voice. We stared at him in utter confusion. “Which one of us was what?” we asked at the same time.

                “Which one of you made out with Luna?!”

                Shawn and I both froze and glanced at each other. “Oh gosh…I don’t remember much from last night,” I whispered. Shawn shook his head slowly. “Me either,” he choked out.

                Type stared. “You’re kidding, right?” he asked in disbelief. We shook our heads. “I really can’t remember,” I whispered. Shawn ran a hand through his hair nervously. “Did you see it?” he asked Type.

                Type nodded. “Yea. I couldn’t tell which one of you it was though.” We glanced at each other again. “If you couldn’t tell who was who,” I started. “Luna probably couldn’t tell either,” Shawn finished.


                This could be a problem.

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