Twice The Love, Twice The Hate. I Just Had To Fall For Twins. {23}

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                Luna and I jumped off the bed and rushed downstairs to the bathroom, where dad’s shriek had come from. I froze and my face paled. I felt sick to my stomach.

                Shane’s wrist was bleeding.

                He and dad were staring at each other in terror. Dad glanced at me and Luna and agony ripped through his eyes. “Shawn, get out of here,” he snapped, going into the bathroom and slamming the door. I heard the lock click a second later and put my hand on the wall to steady myself.

                “Shane,” I choked out as mom and Type rushed over to us. “What happened?” mom demanded in terror. I shook my head. I couldn’t find my voice anymore. I looked at Luna, suddenly hating her with a furious passion.

                This was her fault. I knew my brother well enough to know that he felt guilty for kissing my girlfriend. Fuck. That was it. I was going to fucking shatter her, and fix my brother.

                                                                                ***Shane’s POV***

                Dad shut the door and shoved me. He grabbed my arm and tightly wrapped my bleeding wrist. “I warned you, Shane,” he growled dangerously. “I’ll send you the fuck away to get you help if that’s what it takes. I’m not afraid.”

                And suddenly, I felt myself break down into tears. “Please no,” I whispered, well aware that my mom and brother and Luna were probably all trying to listen from outside. Dad got the same idea.

                He opened the bathroom door. “GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!” he roared before slamming the door and locking it again. He turned back to me and I realized his hair had fallen into his eyes. He was trying to hide his emotions from me.

                “Shut up. Stop crying,” he snapped. “Dad, please don’t send me away! Please!” I begged desperately. “I’ll do anything! I’ll never cut again! Please don’t send me away from Shawn!” I was so desperate to stay with my brother.

                “I’m sorry I fucked up your life! I’m sorry! I’m sorry, sorry, sorry! Don’t send me away!” A look of complete shock hit his face. “You didn’t fu…I mean you…Don’t swear!” He reached out to slap me hard, but stopped.

                He rested a hand on my shoulder instead. “Why did you do it, Shane?” he asked quietly. I wiped my eyes. “I hurt Shawn. I fucked up your life and mom’s. I’m a terrible person. I couldn’t take it,” I whispered.

                “I said don’t swear!” he snapped, but his voice was growing shaky. “And you didn’t fuck up anyone’s life. So don’t you say that. And you’ve never hurt Shawn.” “I…I kissed his girlfriend today, dad. I hate myself. I’m so terrible,” I whispered, truly believing it. A wave of depression crashed over me and I looked down in shame.

                “Shut up Shane. You’re not terrible. He wouldn’t get mad at you. If she let you kiss her, it’s her fault too. So just stop it. I’m going to talk to your mom about this, and we’ll decide if we’re sending you away or not,” he growled. But I could sense the pain in his voice.

                He grabbed me roughly and pulled me out of the bathroom. “Ben? Ben, don’t hold him like that!” mom cried in alarm as he dragged me into the living room. Dad pointed at Luna and Type. “You two, leave,” he snapped. They stared at him in shock. I hung my head in shame.

                They both got up and shot me a concerned look before leaving. “Ali, get over here,” dad snapped and mom got up and came over to us. Dad glared at Shawn. “Go in your room, don’t make a sound. Got it?”

                Shawn looked at me with pain-filled eyes. “Shane…I’m so sorry,” he whispered before getting up and going upstairs. Dad shoved me roughly so that I crashed onto the couch. “Will you be gentle with him?” mom cried angrily. “He slit his wrists! This isn’t the first time!” dad cried in agony.

                Mom’s face paled. “Why, Shane?” she whispered. “Why would you do that to yourself?” Because I hated what I had caused my dad to turn into. Because I was pretty sure I suffered from depression. Because I hated feeling so scared all the time. Because I hated the pain of knowing I was just a fuck up. Because I had hurt my brother by kissing his girlfriend.

                I remained silent, though. “That’s it. We’re sending him away,” dad said firmly. “You damn well are not! If we send Shane away, you’re taking your ass to rehab!” mom snapped. She gave me a gentle smile. “We’ll talk about this when your father is completely sober, Shane. Please go upstairs,” she said.

                I got up shakily and went up to my room. Shawn flung his arms around me. “No more, Shane. Please. Don’t do that,” he whimpered, truly terrified. I looked up and suddenly got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I didn’t like the look in Shawn’s eyes.

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