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Sqaishey's POV

I wake up the next morning to the sound of the shower running. Last night we got into the hotel, and layed on the two seperate twin beds. I turned on the tv in between the two of them, but fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow. I look over to Jacob's bed, and see his things spread all over, with a single outfit layed out nicely at the foot of it. I hear the shower turn off and quickly lay back down. With my eyes almost closed, I can see Jacob coming out of the bathroom, with just a towel wrapped around his waist. He grabs his clothes and walks into the other room that has the dining table in it.

I quickly throw off the covers and swing my legs off the bed. I sneak past Jacob's bed and the doorway opening and reach the closet. I grab some clothes, a duck jumper and some light blue leggings. I walk into the bathroom and put my clothes on the counter. I decide im not going to shower today, because I hate hotel showers, and throw on my clothes for the day. After putting on some light makeup, I wash my hands and walk out of the bathroom. When I enter the room with our beds, I see Jacob sitting there smiling at his phone. I hear a slight noise coming out of it, that sounds like laughter. I sneak up behind him and look at his phone. He is watching one of my videos.

I smile and just stare at the back of his head, until I see him turn around, at which I jump back and hit my elbow on the bed frame.

"Ow!" I yell as Jacob stands up. He walks towards me and takes my arm in his hand. He looks at my elbow, with mock concern, before putting my arm back down and kissing me.

"Hi Beth. How are you doing?" He says. He is speaking to me again, but Im not sure if that makes me happy or nervous.

"Uh. . . I guess im fine. How about you?" We are talking formally to each other, like we did when we first met. I met him at college, when I was studying to become a music major. He was a engineering student so we didn't have each other in many classes, except History of Creators. It was a course teaching all about creators and inventors of the past, and it was required for both music students and the science nerds. We were put together for a project and the way we are speaking together this morning, is how we spoke then.

"Well, im fine. We need to get going in a couple of minutes to go to Minecon." Under his breath, I heard him mumble that everyone else has seen me more than he has, so they might as well call it QuackCon. I frown slighlty at that before grabbing my bag from my "Things for Today" pile and walking towards the door.

Once we are in the car, I look over at him and see him looking bored. I dont understand how he could possibly be bored when we are going to get to see Stampy, Squid and Amy again, but this time get their autographs.

"Jacob, what's wrong?" I ask as he starts to drive to the convention center. " You haven't seemed very happy this trip. And I don't think its just because I haven't been with you. We are at a whole convention, in the same building with our idols, for two days, and I have barely even seen you smile." He looks at me quickly before returning his gaze to the road, and then sighing.

"Beth, I really didn't want to tell you this, but I haven't really liked Stampy for a while, as well as the rest of the MAC. But I act like I like them, because when you talk about them, you just light up." He puts his hand on mine, and looks at me for a few seconds at a red light. The light turns green and he puts his hand back on the wheel.

"Well, why didn't you tell me. And why did you seem so upset that I was a Youtuber. If I had known, I wouldn't have come to Minecon!" I glare at him, even though he isn't looking at me.

"I didn't tell you because I knew you would be upset, but you didn't tell me about being a Youtuber, and Im not even mad about that. Im thrilled you found something you love to do, but when i first told you I knew, you were worried that I would think you are trying to mimic the MAC, and frankly, YOU ARE!" He shouted at me. I was on the verge of tears as we drove into the parking lot for the convention. I grabbed my bag and ran in the main doors. We were here early again, so there was almost no body there, including the owners of booths. I ran behind the stage, sat in the corner and cried. Luckily there was no one there to see me in this condition, but I knew that would change soon. Stampy and his friends would be getting ready for their meet and greet later, so I would just have to toughen up. I stood up, dusted myself off and wiped the tears from my eyes. I started to leave the backstage area when from across the room I could see the MAC walking towards where I was hiding. My eyes were still red and puffy from crying so I tried to hide.

"Guys, tonite is the night. Do you think I can do it?" Someone asked. It was a man, but he didn't have a Yorkshire accent, meaning it was Stampy.

"Of course Mate! And we will be right with you when It happens." A second voice speaks, but unlike the first, this one does have a heavy accent. Squid.

"I just hope I don't hurt anyone." Stampy said on the verge of tears. My knees go weak and I slide down the wall on to the floor. Following me down is a loud thud. I hear footsteps coming to my general area, which is behind a cart with the microphones on it. The cart gets wheeled away and when I look up, I see KittyCake, Squid and Amy looking down at me. They don't seem mad, but worried. "What are you doing back here Ducky?!" Stampy says.

"Hide and seek?" I say clearly worried. Then I see Stampy stare at my eyes, which still feel red from crying, and he takes my hand. He pulls me up and into a hug.

"Are you ok Sqaishey?" He asks, but as soon as he does, I burst into tears again. I shake my head try and hold in my sobs, but the tears still come. "I want to help you, but first, how much of our conversation did you hear?" He asks suddenly cynical. I shrug my shoulders but pull myself together.

"I heard from when you came on stage, but I wasn't really paying much attention, and the conversation didn't make much sense anyway. He shrugs and pulls me in for another hug.

"Ok, well then lets focus on you for a little bit. What happened to you?"

"I was worried to tell my boyfriend that I was a Youtuber, so I kept it hidden. He only found out yesterday because I left my phone out. He was pretty mad, but that was a small secret, in comparison to the fact that he full out lied to me everyday." I start to cry again, and my shoulders shake with every deep breath, but I continue. "He led me to believe, for who knows how long, that he was still a fan of you, when in reality, he only said he was." Stampys face looks shocked, but then he starts laughing. "Why are you laughing? I thought you were supposed to be consoling me.?"

"Im sorry, its just that you lied because you were worried he would find out you following the lead of the MAC, while he was lying to make you happy. Does that really seem like either of you were trying to hurt the other?" KittyCake pulls me over to a couple of chairs by the wall and sits me down in one.

"I guess your right, but I don't think he will see it the same way. Even though he was in the wrong, I freaked out, and made things worse." I say almost laughing, almost crying.

We finish talking and KittyCake convinces me to go talk to Jacob. I walk off stage, with Stampy right behind me, similar to yesterday, looking for my boyfriend.

I find Jacob and apologise. Stampy stays around the corner, but at one point he sticks his head around and makes kissy faces that only I can see, making me burst into laughter. Jacob and I are happy again, but Stampy is a really good friend. He made me realize the situation, and without him, I doubt that Jacob would have "remembered" to drive me back to my house, even though we live in a town three hours away.


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