Chapter 10!

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~~ Joe's POV ~~

I woke up in Clara's hospital room. She was still sleeping and so were the guys. I get up and stretch. My neck is sore from the position I was sleeping in and my back cracks a bunch. Ugh.

I scratch my fro and look around. Pete and Andy are on the other side of the bed and Patrick is next to where I was. I laugh, Patrick's mouth is wide open, drool all down his cheek.

After sitting for a minute I get up and walk out of the room, looking for the bathroom.
A young woman in Hello Kitty scrubs walks up to me. "Are you Mr. Trohman? Clara's father?" She asks me.

Father.. That name feels strange when someone uses it to refer to me. "Yea, you are?" I respond.

"I am Alexandra Barakat. I am Clara's nurse. I would like to inform you that her surgery went perfectly and she should be able to go home by tonight." She smiles then walks off.
What day is it? How long were we asleep?

I look at my phone. 10:47 A.M. Wow. we slept for the whole night. I wasn't even that tired. I hear Clara's door open and Pete walks out, rubbing his eyes.

"Good Morning." I say to him. He looks at me, confused. "Morning? How long have I been asleep?"

"Dude it is almost eleven A.M." He just stares at me with wide eyes. I tell him that Clara should be awake soon, we go down to the cafeteria to get food for everybody.

We both order a crap load of food and wait for our order. "I'll be right back" I tell Pete and walk to the bathroom I saw on the way here.

~~ Clara's POV ~~

I slowly open my eyes, letting them adjust to the light. I carefully sit up and look around. My neck doesn't hurt! Yay!

I notice that Pete and Joe aren't here. Dang I'm hungry. Patrick and Andy are still asleep on either side of my bed. I giggle, seeing that Patrick's mouth is wide open with drool coming out.

He mumbles something in his sleep. Something about the devil, lizards, and bananas. What a strange combination.

I get lonely and decide to wake up Patty and Drewy. Those are their new names. I lean forward, ignoring the pain and flick each of their faces simultaneously. They both bolt up, looking around for what hit them.

I laugh when Patrick wipes his face off, removing the dry drool. He playfully glares at me and Andy chuckles.

"Good Morning Patty-cake. Morning Drew-Drew." I say with a smirk. Then they both glare at me. MWAHAHAHA. The almighty awesome relevant cop has overpowered half of Fall Out Boy.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Andy ask me. Whoops I said that out loud.

"Oh. Well the night if the concert, when I tried to go backstage, the guy didn't let me back at first, then I showed him my pass and I felt like a cop showing someone his badge."
I tell them my amazing story.

"Well alrighty then." Patrick says awkwardly. He is such an adorable teddy bear. After that, Joe and Pete walk in with four trays, stacked high with breakfast food. "OH MY TAYLOR YORK THATS A LOT OF FOOD!" I yell at the food.

"Taylor York? Why Taylor York?" Pete asks me. "What? You got something against Taylor York?? Cause if you do then we might have a problem." I sass him. Oh yeah. I just sasses the bitch princess wentz. Mmmmhmm. *Queue sassy finger snapping*

Pete just holds his hands up in surrender. Don't worry, he sat down the trays he was holding. Otherwise there would be bacon and eggs all over the floor.

I nod at him. He brings me a tray, which has a stack of pancakes, eggs and a blue slushie. I laugh at the beverage choice. "Why a blue slushie?" I ask them.

Joe smacks Pete's arm. "Dude I told you she would want red!" Pete looked genuinely scared... "No I'm a blue kind of girl. I wasn't questioning the flavor, but the beverage itself. I mean, I'm not complaining or anything, But I usually am not allowed sugar until 1."

It's true. Millie was very strict about health. We would always have to go outside and move around for an hour a day. Just stuff like that.

They all stared at me, horror in their eyes. "What?" I ask them, confused. "What do you mean no sugar until 1?!" Pete says in astonishment.

"The house mother was very strict about health and stuff like that." I say casually.

They still look terrified but brush it off. We all finish eating and talk for a while. Before I know it, Alexandra comes in and tells me that I am cleared to leave. We all cheer. This room was making me claustrophobic.

We all clean up our trash, Joe signs a few papers, and we leave. FREAH AIR! YAY!

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