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Random Person’s  POV

I sighed. It’s so good to have a walk in the park. It’s even better when you sit back and relax, you get to see the children play. I saw two children approaching the swing. They gave nicknames to each other; the girl was called Mrs. Cuddles and the boy, Mr. Nutella.

“Mrs. Cuddles! Look! A free swing! Come one, I’ll push you!”

“Push me high up, up, up into the sky Mr. Nutella!”

“One, two, three!”

“Weee~! Higher, higher!”

“Let’s go to the slide?”

“That’s fun! Let’s go to the big, big, big slide Mr. Nutella!”

“You aren’t scared?”

“Of course not! Why would I be?”



“Today was so~ fun Mr. Nutella! Let’s do it again sometime?”

“Yeah! Right now, Nanny Nena will bring us home. She says it’s late.”

“Come on kids! Hurry up!” Said a grown up who I guessed was Nanny Nena. Nena was paying attention to her cellphone instead of the kids.

I went a close range near them so that if there would be something wrong that happened…

Nena was crossing the street without the children! I saw them, hand in hand beginning to cross the street when a car which I think didn’t see the red light, ran straight into them. The driver abruptly stopped to check the kids. Blood were dripping out both of their heads! I’m a nurse, I can do first aid and CPR. Good. I rushed to them as quickly as I could.

The guy looked frantic as I approached. "It will be alright. I'm a nurse, I could help."

"Do all you can." Was his response.

“Pulse, check but unconscious. Stop the bleeding. Check. Now, to call for help.” I muttered under my breath.

I saw that the man was already talking with 9-1-1 so I checked the kids again. CPR? Yeah, I’ll-

“Bee-do, bee-do, bee-do” The ambulance sirens came here quickly and got the kids. I searched the area for Nena and saw her walking, oblivious to what has happened! How can a person be so absent-minded?

Police came as well. Get ready for the interview.

“What happened here Ma’am?”

“Uhm, I think the man over there was in a hurry so he kinda hit the kids.”

“Are you their guardian Ma’am?”

“Uhm, no. Just a passerby. But I assume that the girl over there is the guardian.”

“We will inquire you later.” They said. Hmm, interview wasn’t bad.

They went over Nena and inquired her. Only then did she seem shocked. I think she’s more worried about her job.

                I’m worried about the kids.


“They are in perfect condition, Ma’am, thanks to your help. But-“

“But what Sir?” I questioned. I was at the hospital where the kids are admitted. I just wanted to see if they’re okay.

“They kind of lost their memory so…”

                Oh no.


Good enough for a prologue? Sorry for the BEE-DO thingy. I just didn’t like the real ambulance sound. And, oka minion so~.

What was THAT about? Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s about someone’s tragic p—


G’bye Lovelies!

Don’t forget to vote or comment if you liked it. ;)

p.s -- dedicated to @itscalledbeingfabx

                                                                                ~Fay <3

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