Chapter 01

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When it comes to writing stories of two characters swapped bodies, always use the star symbol on the person's name so that we don't get confused to who is who in a different body. I hope this helps.

Sonic characters belongs to (c) SEGA.


Sonic and the gang are in the jungle of Mystic Ruins, searching for the missing Chaos Emeralds. And that they have to split up and pair with a partner to work together as a team. As for Sonic, he was not happy with this because his partner is Amy and he really did not want to go with her. He would rather go with his best pal Tails than with the pink hedgehog.

"Sonikku, are you sure we won't be late for our date later?" Amy asked him happily.

"I rather be eating chilidogs" Sonic answered sarcastically.

"Ah, come on, Sonic. Just because I get caught by Eggman does not mean I'm stupid" Amy said. Sonic growled lowly and glares at her.

"Well you should train than using your ugly hammer!" he threatened her.

"Hey! It's not an ugly hammer! So knock it off! My hammer is a lot stronger to break anything than your spin dash!" Amy yelled in his face.

Sonic's pupils shrunk in anger.

"Huh, is that so? You and your cute look don't scare me!" Sonic yelled back.

"Neither does your dark form scare me! Now quit goofing off and let's try to work together, all right?! And the next time you insult me again, I'll bash that skull so hard you'll just be called Fastest Boo-boo Alive!" Amy snarled and walks in the jungle, feeling very pissed off.

Sonic sighs and follows her, after walking a bit in the forest, Sonic then checks his chaos emerald seeker from his wrist, "Amy, the emerald must be close by"

"Ok, let's find it" Amy mutters and walks the way the chaos emerald is. But on the way, they stepped on something.

Sonic knees down and sees two crystals resembling a male and female symbol.

"Seems like someone forgot these" Sonic held one of them to Amy.

"Let me see that" Amy looked at them. Suddenly in her eyes they glowed, "What the?!"

"What in the world?!" Sonic's item glowed too.

As the crystals glowed at the same time, the glowing aura on the two hedgehogs appeared, screaming and panicking from whatever its about to happen. The aura souls emerged from their bodies and went to the opposite directions to a different body.

"Ugh!" Sonic grunts from the impact and hit his head against the tree. Same with Amy too.


Later, Amy opened her eyes and she moaned tiredly.

"Ohhhh...... I feel funny" Amy groaned and got up, but what shocked her was that she saw her own body.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! What the?!" Amy screamed out loud, she realizes that she is in Sonic's body.

"Oh my God!" *Amy whimpered and saw Sonic in her body waking up. She knew he'll freak out.

"Oww.....what just happened?" *Sonic groaned and sits up, opening his eyes to see his own body standing in front of him.

"What the?! A clone?!" *Sonic jumps up in fright.

"No Sonic, look at yourself" *Amy said. He looked at himself and gasps when he sees he's wearing her dress.

SonAmy: Body SwapWhere stories live. Discover now