Chapter 03

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*Amy arrived at where the boys are and they were playing Guitar Hero III. She sighs and just hopes that these boys won't do anything stupid or anything that annoys her because she never does boy things.

"Eh, hey guys" *Amy said a bit shy.

"Hi Amy. How are you doing with Sonic?" Silver asked, pausing the game.

"Eh, its going okay I guess. Sometimes I just wish he could be like a real hero rather than being a sissy" *Amy said.

"Sonic can be cocky you know. But he's always are our hero" Tails said.

"Yup, he's your brother too" *Amy smiled and bro fists with him.

Much later, *Amy tried out the game and played 'Through the Fire and Flames' song in the game.

It seemed she was playing well but she failed during the final. The boys noticed that she's losing her temper again.

"Oh, no!" Tails backs off. *Amy swings the guitar to the couch and tears down a curtain.

"AMY! What the hell are you doing?!" Shadow yelled at her.

"ENOUGH!!!" Silver caught her with his ESP powers, "Amy, calm down! Don't go into Dark Sonic!"

When *Amy heard this, she calms down and breathes slowly to help herself feel relaxed. Silver noticed this and he released her.

"Sorry guys" she chuckled nervously, "Still the same old Amy Rose"


With *Sonic, he was in a girl talk along with Blaze, Rouge and Cream, discussing their relationships of the boys.

"So, Sonic. Are you and Amy friends now?" Cream asked *Sonic.

"Yup, she helped me to choose this fan-shirt and these shorts" *Sonic smirks to her.

Rouge then wondered something, "Imagine if Knuckles and I switched bodies, then I could have his jewels" Rouge snickered.

"Yeah but he sure won't be happy with that" *Sonic smirked.

"Yeah, you're right" Rouge said.

"So what do you girls do exactly since I'm in Amy's body? If its makeover, I'm out" *Sonic asked, not interested in makeover.

"Well, we talk about boys sometimes. And yes, we do makeover and I know you don't like that but it will help you learn to do what girls do" Rouge said to him.

*Sonic pouts and crossed his arms that he has to get a makeover, "Bleah, fine. But it better not be too much make-up" he growled lowly.

The girls giggled and pull him to a mirror to start the makeover; they used lipstick and makeup on him. He stood completely still and a few minutes later they were finished with the make-up.

"So, what do you think?" Blaze asked him. *Sonic saw that he got bleached muzzle and red lipstick on the lips.

"I look kind a pretty" *Sonic giggled.


With *Amy, she was having a little difficulty to be like boys since she's in Sonic's body.

"No, nuh-uh. I don't do football like you guys" *Amy crossed her arms and looks away.

"Ah, come on Amy. It's very easy, even girls play football" Silver said to her, holding a football in his hand.

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