Final Chapter

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Two days have passed and it was the final day but they didn't switch back yet.

*Sonic was the first to wake up and he gently woke up *Amy.

"Good morning Amy, today is the day to become us again" *Sonic said to her.

"Yipppi! I'm gonna like it!" *Amy hugged *Sonic cheerfully.

They went to Tails' workshop to see if the crystals have regained their light, they indeed have. *Sonic and *Amy sat on a table to touch the crystals.

"Are you guys ready to change back to your bodies?" Tails asked them, they nodded.

"See you on the other side, Sonic" *Amy held the crystal with a female symbol that was blue.

"Same for you, Ames" *Sonic winks and held the male symbol crystal that was pink.

The crystals glow and a bright light engulfs them and Tails squints his eyes due to it being so bright. When the light died out, the hedgehogs looked at each other and smiled.

"Yes! Yes! I'm back!" Sonic cheered and lifts Amy in the air.

"I'm back too, Sonikku!" Amy squeals in happiness.

The crystals' colors have been swapped; the male symbol was blue and the female symbol was pink.

"We'll keep them in storage" Tails picked up the crystals with pincette, placing them in a box of lead.

"There, now no one will touch them again" Tails said proudly and walks back to the workshop. Sonic and Amy were so happy being back to their bodies.

Sonic was spin dashing around the room like a pinball since he's too happy to have his body back. Amy and Tails watches him bounce around and laughed.

"Come here, Sonikku" Amy called for Sonic, he stops bouncing around and lands in front of them.

"Yes?" he asked them.

"Let's celebrate this later, Sonic" Tails said. But then, Amy walked up to Sonic and they kissed. The blue hedgehog was surprised and he kissed back, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Amy had her arms around his neck as they kissed. Tails just stands there and watched the lovebirds sharing their love.

"I knew this would happen" he said to himself.


Later in Station Square, Sonic and Amy was at a cafe and had ice cream together again.

"This is wonderful Sonikku, that we are a couple" Amy said cutely.

"Yeah, now you don't have to be the damsel in the distress by learning how to fight like me" Sonic smirks.

"Indeed, Eggman will get his butt kicked twice now" Amy giggled.

"Got that right" Sonic smirked.

Amy then thought of something, "Uh, Sonikku? Am I going to be your partner from now on in your team?" Amy asked him.

"Of course you will" Sonic said.

"Thanks Sonikku" Amy said and smiled. Sonic simply gave her his trademark thumbs up and smirk. After finishing their ice cream, they went to the market again.

Sonic found a new shirt where it said 'I ♥ Sonamy', much to his surprise.

"Oh my, everyone likes that me and Amy are working together" Sonic chuckled and paid for the shirt. Amy at the same time was looking at some plush dolls of horses, elephants and some game characters. She picked up a plush of Mario and Luigi.

"Awww......" Amy giggled.

She paid for them and then searched for Sonic. She eventually found him and gasps at the new shirt.

"Well, what do you think Ames?" Sonic asked her.

"It looks lovely" Amy giggled and Sonic tries it on. He smirks nervously at wearing it in public.

"Thanks" Sonic chuckled with a blush.

They walked together as a love couple, holding hands and sighs dreamily to each other.

The End.

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