Chapter 05

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*Sonic and the girls were at the basketball arena and it was now *Sonic against Blaze. She promised to not use fire in the fight.

"So, I hope it's not a dance fight Blaze" *Sonic joked and got into fighting position, Blaze did that as well.

"I'm ready as hell, Sonic" Blaze smirks and charges at him, but he dodges her and flips her over like a ragdoll. She got up on her feet and cracks her knuckles.

"Is that all you got?" Blaze said and punches him in the gut, sending him to the basket pole slightly leaning it.

"OW! Now you're gonna get it!" *Sonic growled and uses Amy's hammer against Blaze, but she dodges each attack and kicks it off.

"HA!" she sweep kicks him, making him fall on his butt. *Sonic then left-hook punches her and hits her nose. He chuckled and walks up to her, she was a bit angry for being punched on the nose.

"You almost broke my nose!" Blaze pounced on *Sonic and wrestles with him, nearly dominating him.

"Give up?" she smirks at him.

"Nope!" *Sonic flips her off him and pinned her down.

"Winner, Am-..I mean Mr. Sonic!" Cream squealed. Rouge simply thumbs up for him. *Sonic got off of Blaze and he dust himself off.

"Good match, Sonic" Blaze shook his hand.

"Thanks, Blaze" *Sonic said as he smirks.


With the boys, it was *Amy vs Shadow.

"Uh, Shadow. You promise to not hurt Sonic's body" *Amy said worried about getting hurt.

"Relax Amy, I won't hurt your...boyfriend's body" Shadow said with a teasing smirk.

This made *Amy's eyes twitch and her heart beat faster, "Shut up! He's not my boyfriend! So knock it off!"

"Heheheheh..... come and get some!" Shadow charges at her and they struggle hand to hand. Both grunting as the struggled and finally Shadow threw her over his head.

"OW! Hey, I thought you said you don't like fighting women!" *Amy growled and spin dashed him.

"YEOW! I do but now you are in a dude's body" Shadow reminds her.

"Hmph!" *Amy realized she forgot she's not a girl now. Shadow then spin dashed her and sends her to the wall. She eventually got up and spins around to make a whirlwind.

"What are you----WHOA!!!" Shadow didn't see that coming.

*Amy laughed and pinned the Ultimate Lifeform down.

"Who's the girl now?" *Amy smirked.

"Hmph, it's still you!" Shadow mutters and pushes her off him.

"Hey! That wasn't very nice!" *Amy continues to fight him.

Shadow smirked and taunts, motioning his finger to come here.

*Amy rushed towards him and punches him in his face, but he punches back and delivers a kick on her or Sonic's gut. *Amy fell down on the ground.

"Giving up already, Amy?" Shadow asked her, raising a brow.

"You are so strong, Shadow" *Amy groaned, "Hmph! No fair! You said you were not gonna injure me in Sonic's body" she growled in his face.

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