Chapter 02

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Of course, *Sonic wasn't being serious when he apologized to *Amy. He was still angry with her and now that he's in her body, he'll have to wear clothes which he did not like. As for *Amy, she was still mad at him that he truly wasn't sorry; and that she's stuck in Sonic's body, she won't be able to summon her hammer.

Right now, the swapped body hedgehogs are at *Amy's house to discuss something with each other to get used to their bodies.

"Amy, do you have an idea to make me act like you?" *Sonic asked *Amy.

"Hmph! Why should I tell you? You already seem to know what I usually do" *Amy crossed her arms, glaring at him.

*Sonic grins evilly and makes a giggle similar to hers, "You're so cute when you're angry" *he giggled like *Amy.

"Sonic stop it!" *Amy blushed, "That is not how I sound like that!"

"Like this then?" *Sonic lighted up his giggling and *Amy's frown goes to a small smile.

"Yup, now that's more like it. Now I'll try to act like you" *Amy smirks and clears her throat. *Sonic sat down and roll her body's fingers.

"I'm Sonic the Hedgehog and I'm the fastest thing alive" *Amy tried to sound like *Sonic, she even poses like him.

"Haha....very funny" *Sonic rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Sonic, stop it. We got to pull ourselves together! So we better listen what Tails told us!" *Amy said angrily and poked her body's nose.

"Oh, quite right. I'll wipe off my frown" *Sonic said and smiles. *Amy smiled too and sat next to *Sonic, looking at her own body.

"And it looks like you don't have your speed in my body" *Amy smirked.

"I know and you must be happy being fast now" *Sonic chuckled.

"Yup, but you on the other hand have my hammer. Good luck with that because you're gonna have a hard time to know how to use it" *Amy smirked evilly.

"Oh, please. It's like swinging a baseball bat. How hard can it be" *Sonic crossed his arms. They go outside and *Sonic summoned her hammer and it was not that heavy as he thought it was.

"Try to swing it" *Amy said to him, he nods and tries to swing it like she does, but he only managed to spin around crazily. When the spinning stopped, he had rings in his eyes.

"Okay, I was wrong" *Sonic smiles nervously.

"Told ya" *Amy snickered.

He then tries again and swings it at a rock like a golf ball, it flew away very far until it was not visible in the sky.

"FORE!!!" *Sonic shouted. *Amy giggled at that he acts like he's playing golf. He then sees an old car and got an idea to amuse *Amy.

"Hey Ames, mind if I smash that old car over there?" *Sonic asked her.

"Sure" *Amy nods and watches *Sonic walking to the old car, he proceeds to bash it.

"THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FEED A CHAO SCRAMBLED EGGS!" *Sonic shouted while trashing the car. *Amy burst out laughing at *Sonic's words for crashing the car.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" *Amy laughed and held her stomach. *Sonic then trashes the cars' lights and engine.

"Having fun laughing, Ames?" *Sonic panted out after destroying the old car.

"Yeah, you really let out your anger" she said and walked up to him. They both looked at both sides to make sure no one heard him shout.

"Well, at least it's a wrecked car now" *Sonic said and pats *Amy's shoulder.

"Yup, now I wanna try your super speed" *Amy said and adjusted his shoes.

"Alright Amy, be careful so you don't hurt my body" *Sonic said with concern. She nods and rushes in speed of Mach 6. She left a trail of blue blur by running very fast, as she ran she accidently ran into the 'stop' sign with a loud metal clang noise, "Ugh!"

She noticed she was very far away from her house, but she saw that *Sonic was there still, she ran back and *Sonic had a teasing smirk.

"You can't even control my speed very much" *Sonic said with irony.

"Yeah, you're right. Let's go in and rest" *Amy suggested.


A while later after resting for a bit, *Sonic still does not like wearing clothes except gloves and shoes. But he no choice because he's in a girl's body and mobian girls wear clothes. As for *Amy, she now understands why male mobians don't usually wear clothes is because of their thick fur.

"Argh! Is there something I can wear than girly girl clothes?!" *Sonic grumbled in anger. He tried on every clothes but none of them seems to interest him.

"Oh, brother" *Amy rolled her eyes grumpily by seeing *Sonic's stubbornness, "You are so stubborn, Sonic. Sounds like we're gonna have to go shopping at the mall"

"No. Nuh-uh. I am not going shopping like girls" *Sonic crossed his arms and looks away.

*Amy growled under her breath, "Don't be a baby, Sonic. You're in my body now. So deal with it"

"I don't do shopping like girls. Deal with it" *Sonic glared at her.

"Okay, that's it!" *Amy couldn't take it anymore. So she carried him in her arms and sped out of the house to head to the city of Station Square.


As they arrived, *Amy managed to skid to a stop from running too fast.

"If you damaged my shoes, you owe me" *Sonic glared.

"Okay" *Amy nods and they walked in to search for clothes. They went to the mobian clothes area since human clothes are a little too big for mobians. They found the girls' clothes for teens and *Amy decides to pick a few for *Sonic since he's not into clothes.

"Oooh, this looks cute! How about this one?" *Amy picked out a cute red shirt with a pink heart on the front. *Sonic crossed his arms and shook his head. *Amy simply giggled and picks out a blue shirt where it said "I ❤Sonic" and dark blue jeans. *Sonic did like this one but now he really needs *Amy's help with how to put on the bra which was very difficult.

"Use the mirror in the changing room" *Amy whispered to him, he got back in the changing room and turned back to clip the bra right; he does that successfully and puts the dress back on. They paid for the clothes and head back home.


When they arrived, *Sonic put on the new clothes and *Amy liked how it's perfect on her body.

"Amy, thank you for choosing these" *Sonic said politely to *Amy.

"No problem, Sonic" *Amy said, also politely.

Soon, *Sonic couldn't go to a boys' hang out thing because he's in Amy's body. Same thing for *Amy that she can't go to a girls' hang out like this. So this means they'll have to go in opposite sides; meaning that *Sonic will have to hang out with the girls while *Amy hangs out with the guys. Their friends already knew that Sonic and Amy are body swapped.

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