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"Frank! Frank, come on. You gotta come out to eat at least." I knocked on Franks door. Again, I was answered with silence. I sighed and just set the plate on the floor, picking up the untouched breakfast I had set down earlier. I walked back to the kitchen where Brendon was.

"Anything?" I just shook my head. Frank had locked himself in his room and hasn't come out since we came home from the hospital yesterday. Brendon sighed and set down the fork he was holding.

"I want to help him. But he just keeps rejecting it." Brendon threw the fork so it skid across the counter and fell to the floor.

"He just misses Gerard. He needs him around to feel safe. You know how hard it is to stay away from Ryan." I motioned to the sleeping brunette in the living room.

"I don't care. He needs to stop sulking! He's gotta come out of that damn room!" Brendon slammed away from the island, and stormed off to Franks room. Ryan jerked away, but quickly followed me as I ran after Brendon.

"Brendon, wait!" I got cut off from the sound of wood splintering, and Brendon smashing the door open with his foot.

What I saw in Franks room made me gasp.


Holy shit, this story has 1.1k reads! Oh my god, you have no idea how much this means thank you so much!!!!!!!!!! 
P.S. sorry, Wattpad deleted half the chapter and I don't have a lot of time, so I fixed it and am pubishing it! Sorry!

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