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As we kissed, a light appeared. It lit up the back of my eyelids, bright enough, to make us pull apart. I raised my hands, trying to block the light, but it was bright as the sun, blinding me almost.

"Wait! He's moving!" I faintly hear a voice speak, Brendon?

"Ugh," I moan, rubbing my eyes as the light faded.

"Pete! Pete, can you hear me?" Brendon sounds panicked.

"W-Where am I?" I ask, prying my eyes open slightly, the light still blinding me.

"You're in your bedroom." He tells me.

"Can you turn off the light?" I ask. He looks at me weirdly for a minute before shutting off the light and closing the curtains.

"Thanks." I tell him, opening my eyes a bit more.

"Where's Patrick? I need to talk to him." I sit up, looking around the room, still a bit dazed.

"Dude, you just came back from the dead. You're not going anywhere for a while." Brendon tells me, before pushing me back down on the bed. I didn't feel in any way like I had just died, I felt like I had just slept. I felt energized and hyper.

"I need to talk to Patrick, Brendon. He's at his house. Go get him, I promise I won't move from this spot if you go get him for me. Please." I'm practicly begging Brendon at this point.

"Fine, but don't. Move." He glares at me to get he point across, and leaves my room, closing the door on his way out. That's when I relize that Ryan, and Frank is there. Frank was staring at his phone.

"You gave us a good fright, man." Ryan sat on the edge of my bed.

"How long was I gone?" I asked, sitting up.

"Just about ten minutes. Frank was calling an ambulence when you woke up." He answered.

"I'm sorry I scared you guys like that. That with the Gerard shit going on,"

"About that Gerard shit, Pete." Ryan cut me off. The door opened and Gerard walked in.

"Gerard! What the hell?" I shouted. I scrambled up off the bed and engulfed Gerard in a giant hug. Gerard smiled and hugged me back.

"I woke up two hours ago. Brendon was gonna call you, but he forgot, I don't know how, and then you died on us." Gerard laughed.

"What happened?" I asked, stepping back. Nothing looked wrong with him, his firey red hair was still messy, his clothes looked fine, he didn't look any paler than usual.

"They still don't know. They let me off just to com see you, I gotta go back real soon though." Gerard sighed.

"Well, I'm glad your back." I smiled before hugging him again. Suddenly, the door opened again, and I saw a familiar crop of bleach blond hair topped with a fedora. Patrick smiled, and hugged me. I hugged him, and we stayed just like that for who knows how long.

"I'm so sorry I made you go through that." Patrick mumbled softly.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice you were having troubled thoughts in the first place." I pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.

"I never want to loose you like that again." I told him, tightening the hug a bit.

"I won't do it ever again. We made it through our trials, we survived them." He smiled, before kissing me.

"We survived them. They're in the past, we made it through. And we won't ever have to go through them ever again."

"Promise?" He asked, looking up at me.

"I promise." I vowed, before sealing my vow with a kiss.

Harmed (Peterick)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now