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*This chapter is last chapter in Pete's P.O.V*

I slammed the door closed, not hearing my mom coming up the stairs. I walked over to my desk, and opened my laptop. I signed into Skype, seeing Brendon was on as well. He was probably was in a call in Ryan, but I need to talk to someone.

To my surprise, he picked up instantly.

"Hey Pete." I greeted me as the connection went through.

"Hey." I waved slightly.

"What got your panties in a knot?" He asked, sitting back in his chair.

"My mom wants me to go to therapy for my cutting, but hello, I'm not the damn one who's fucking cutting!" I groan.

"Well, just lock yourself in your room for the night." he shrugged.

"Uh, hello. I'm already in my room." I move out of the camera's view of my room, proving I was already in there.

"Well, I don't know." He gave up.

"I just, she still thinks It's gonna help if I go to therapy. I mean, it's not going to. The only way it would work is if Patrick wen-ow!" I looked down at my wrist, lines where being drawn across my skin, blood leaking out.

"Well, we just lost a streak." I sighed.

"Again?" Brendon asked.

"Yeah. I wonder what started it this time." Brendon thought for a moment, before,

"Could it be your mum?"

"Nah, I just feel anger for her. Patrick feels like, lost, I guess. Ah, fuck." I winced as Patrick drew more and more line across our skin. I started feeling lightheaded, my hands weak.

"What?" Brendon sounded worried.

"Nothing, just more than usual." I waved him off.

"You want me to come over?" He asked. He only lived like three houses down, so he could be here in less than five minutes.

"No. I'm good."

"You sure? You look really pale. Show me your wrists." He demanded. He had learned first aid and basic medical stuff ever since Patrick started getting really bad. He wanted to make I would be safe, I guess. I sighed, and lifted my wrists up to the camera. My vision was going back around the edges, and I felt like I was gonna throw up.

"Pete, thats really bad. You need to go bandag-" I didn't hear anything else, because as he said that, I fell off my chair, my vision going to black.

Harmed (Peterick)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now