Chapter 2

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I got out of bed, threw on some jeans and a tshirt, then went to brush my teeth. After brushing my teeth I went into my mothers room. She was sitting in her rocking chair she bought when she was pregnant with the 2nd baby. She was humming some lullabies.
"Good morning Mother" I said.
"Oh, good morning Nancy" she said, without even looking at me, then went back to humming.
I walked out of the front door then ran over to the Curtis's for breakfast. They always invited me over for either breakfast, lunch or dinner.
"Good morning Pony!" I yelled while running over to tackle him.
"Hey!!!!" he yelled while falling on the floor.
"Haha, sorry Ponyboy" I said while helping him up. "Morning Soda!"
"Mornin' Nancy" Soda said while he was finishing buttering a couple pieces of toast.
"Hello Darry" I said with a quieter voice. Even though he was so charming, he scared me a little. And the things that Pony says about him, makes me a little more scared.
"Hello Nancy" he said back.
The 4 of us then sat down at the table when suddenly Dally slams open the door, walking in grabbing a piece of bacon.
"What the heck, Dal, not even a hello?!" Said Sodapop.
"I was hungry" Dally said with his mouth full. Ponyboy glanced at me across the table. I saw the look in his eye, just rubbing it in how he knows I like Darry. I blushed and flicked him off while smiling.
"Hey Dally" I said, trying to get his attention, but then Two-Bit and Steve run into the kitchen grabbing food off of people's plates.
"Hey! Lay off, get your own!" said Ponyboy.
Johnny later walked in, not disturbing any of us like Dal, Two-Bit and Steve did.
"Dally, Nancy said Hey, in case you didn't hear!" Said Ponyboy. I flicked off Pony cause he embarrassed me so badly, I'm sure I blushed. How could you do that to me Pony!!!
"Hey Nac, how are you?" Said Dally. Wow, how is the Tuff Dally being nice to another greaser girl like me, I haven't seen him be nice to other girls like that. MAYBE HE LIKES ME!!!
"Good thanks" I replied. Then I look over at Ponyboy, who's giggling, and I flick him off again.

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