(Nancy's POV)
Dally walked me back to my house for me to get my stuff. Dally and I walked past my mothers bedroom and she was winding up one of those machines that play lullabies for babies.
"Hello, Mrs. Davis. How are you?" Asked Dally.
"I'm doing well. Very well" she replied. I walked into my room, I was disgusted with my mother. Now that I think about it, I don't know how we pay for our house. My mother doesn't work, and neither do I.
"Come on Dal" I said. I went into my closet and grabbed my suitcase. I started packing all of my clothes and makeup products from the bathroom. I grabbed my tooth brush, toothpaste and my brush and comb.
"Wow, you have a lot of stuff for such a small room" said Dally, he was wandering around my room looking at my pictures hanging on the wall. There were a bunch of pictures of me and Pony. A couple of me and Sodapop and me with Two-Bit and Steve. And one with me and Johnny. There was only one with Dally in it, but that was a picture of the whole gang, with Darry also.
"Hey, we should take a picture" said Dally.
"Ya, we should" I reply. After I finish packing I put all of the pictures in a book I had laying around. It was Gone With The Wind. Pony got me a copy last year for my birthday. I wasn't even half way through the book yet cause I never have much time to read, but it is a good book. I put the book in my suitcase and locked it up.
"Do you want anything else?" Said Dally.
"No, if I need anything I'll come back here to get it" I said. We walked outside and Ponyboy and Soda were across the street playing catch with a football.
"Hey Nanc! What are you doin' with the suitcase?" Asked Pony.
"Well, I'm sick and tired of my mother never doing anything. And Dally offered if I wanted to move in with him."
"How sweet" said Sodapop making a heart with his hands.
"Hey! Cut it out," said Dally smiling, "pass me one of those weeds Pony." I never liked when any of them smoked, it smells nasty. I tried it once and I threw up right away, I'd never try it again.
"Well, I'll let you two love birds go" said Ponyboy smiling.
I blushed and punched him on the shoulder, "Gee, Pony, thanks." Dally and I left and went to Dal's apartment. His apartment isn't actually that bad, I kind of like it. There's a living room with a couch and a color TV. He has a full kitchen and dining table. He had a Queen sized bed and there are a couple of big windows in his bedroom, they're beautiful. They look out onto the street, but in the evening I can see the sunset. Ponyboy and Johnny always watched the sunsets with me, they always said they didn't think Dally had ever watched one. Maybe now I can get him to watch one with me.
"You can set your stuff here," said Dally pointing next to the bed, "We can put it in a closet later. We sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, Mickey Mouse was on. I rested my head on Dally's shoulder.
"I love you so much Dal" I said looking up to him.
"I love you too" he said and kissed me. My dream came true, I am finally with Mr. Dallas Winston... :)

Teen FictionNancy Davis is 17 years old and she lives in Tusla, Oklahoma. Her father left her and her mother when she was 2. Nancy's best friend is Ponyboy Curtis, she tells him everything. Nancy is also has eyes for Dallas Winston...and Dallas Winston has...