chapter 8

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~Jin's P.O.V~

Jin headed downstairs, and into the living room with the two high heads, and one giggling Tae, who now had hickies on his neck. "Nice hickies." Jin commented to Tae who blushed and threw his hand over his neck and glared at Jin. "Why do you have a washcloth?" Yoongi asked as Jin looked down at his hands. Jin moved the washcloth off his hand and turned his hand around flicking Yoongi off with his middle finger that held the heart. "Oh. Namjoon did your tattoo. Nice. You should have gone for something more, like a back or chest tattoo. And a huge one at that." Yoongi nodded his head and laughed, him being High as Fuck. "Well. I dont want a huge tattoo." Jin shot back and Hoseok looked at his hand, "Nice nails. Gel?" He asked and Jin looked down, "Yes? They are very long and cute." Jin smiled and held his hand out. Tae smiled and nodded, "I ship it." Jin blushed and frowned and brought his hand up to smack Tae, Tae did flinch but Jin had already brought his hand down and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"God." Jin groaned and walked over sitting in the live seat, Yoongi in the rocking chair, the two still on the couch, cuddling. "Are you two a thing now?" Jin asked looking at Tae and Hoseok who were leaning against each other, Hoseok's arm wrapped around Tae's waist. "Well-" Tae started but Hoseok cut him off, "-Yes. He is my boyfriend, try to flirt I will cut your Dick off." Jin blinked before laughing as Tae hit his chest. "Aw." Jin cooed as Namjoon walked down stairs, looked over at the group confused.

Jin sat, pausing his body more into the couch then looked out at the window. "Shit!" Jin said and jumped up seeing it was dark. "I need a ride home." Jin spoke quickly and looked at Namjoon. "Oh sure. Where do you live?" He asked and he walked into the kitchen and grabbed the keys. "Um..." Jin said and spoke his address. "Oh. I know where that is. Near the little coffee shop? Or the one near Starbucks?" Namjoon asked as he walked out of the kitchen and to the door, soon running up stairs and coming back down in a Grey t-shirt, ripped back skinny jeans and his famous leather jacket. "Starbucks." Jin sighed out as he followed Namjoon out to the car, accidentally slamming the front door as he walked out.

Namjoon climbed into the car and started it, Jin hurrying up and climbing in as well. Namjoon pulled out of the driveway and pulled off down the street, going pretty fast. "Slow down!" Jin shouted at Namjoon who laughed. "I do this all the time." Namjoon commented as Jin glared at the driver. "Please." Jin whined out and crossed his arms pouting. Namjoon rolled his eyes and slowed down. "Better princess?" He cooed and Jin nodded yes, happily.

Namjoon pulled up to the huge apartment complex, its a expensive place but its something Jin's family could afford, unlike Namjoon who moved out at 16.

"Damn." Namjoon said as he parked and turned off his car and got out. Jin smiled and stepped out and pulled out his keys that hug on a key chain. He scanned a little rectangle when he approached the door, then grabbed the door and pulled it open. Namjoon followed Jin and blinked. "You must be rich..." Namjoon mumbled as he remembered his mother and father used to live in one of the apartments at this place. "Yeah. My father owns a company. My mother is a fashion designer. They baby me, when I finish high school I will be trained to take the position of my father." Jin spoke as he started up the huge stair case.

Namjoon nodded slowly as they climbed the stairs, "must be nice. Or... Do you not like your dad's job?" Namjoon asked and Jin giggled, "He's a huge business owner. His Job is easy, I always wanted to work it so I get to!" Jin stopped and looked back at Namjoon, "What do you plan on doing when you graduate?" Jin smiled and started back up the stairs. Namjoon followed and sighed. Jin was waiting for a answer as he opened a door on the 18th floor. "Well... I dont know." Namjoon replied as he Wales in the door behind Jin. They walked down the hall and stopped at the 418th apartment... Three down from his old home... Jin unlocked the door and opened it to see his father cooking food and his Mother ironing shirts. "Hello Jin!" Jin's mother cheered, and set the iron up. She looked over and seen Namjoon, "Whose this?" Mother asked Jin and he blinked before smiling, "Mom, dad, meet Namjoon. Namjoon meet My parents."

Namjoon blinked before smiling and holding out his hand for Jin's parents to shake, "Hello Mrs Kim." Namjoon spoke as his mother shook his hand then his father, "Mr. Kim." Namjoon smiled and pulled his hand away after. "You got some manners boy." Mr. Kim smiled and looked at Jin, smiling.

'I know he has the looks of a devil, and acts just like a angel...' Jin thought to himself, 'Yet if you know what I knew, you'd see hes putting on a show.'

Namjoon and Jin's parents talked about a few things for a little while, forgetting about Jin. "You have a lovely son, you raised him well." Namjoon smiled to Mr. Kim. "Yes. He is lovely, but he is gay. One thing I dont like but... It's his choice." Mr. Kim soiled over at Jin who blinked, with a pretzel hanging out of his mouth. "What..." Jin asked as he took the pretzel out of his mouth. "You are gay." Mr. Kim joked and Jin nodded, "Yes I am. Look at my nails!" Jin smiled and held out his hand to his father, who blinked in surprise. "Oh. Who did that?" Mr. Kim asked as his mother looked over and adored his nails, "AWW! I need to know who did your nails!"Mrs Kim smiled and hugged her son.

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